Richard Nixon said many of the same things when Watergate was originally being slowly, slowly revealed. That didn’t work out too well for him. This is not going to work out too well for Hillary, per Sean Davis at The Federalist
Hillary Intentionally Originated And Distributed Highly Classified Information
A review of recently released e-mails shows that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton repeatedly originated and distributed highly classified national security information. Clinton’s classified e-mail missives were not constrained to State Department staff, either. She also sent classified information to Sidney Blumenthal, a former Clinton White House operative banned by the Obama White House.
An analysis by The Federalist of e-mails released by the State Department late Monday shows that scores of e-mails sent by Clinton contained highly confidential national security information from the beginning, even if they weren’t marked by a classification authority until later.
The original date of classification of Hillary’s e-mails can be discerned by noting the declassification dates noted next to redactions in the e-mails. Under a 2009 executive order signed by President Barack Obama, classified material in most circumstances is to be automatically declassified after 10 years. In some instances, that duration may be extended up to 25 years. In certain circumstances, classification authorities may adjust the classification duration based on the nature of the underlying information.
Many of the emails were mostly or completely redacted, hence, classified and/or confidential business. Some of it deals with foreign affairs, information that, while not “classified”, is not meant for open dissemination. And there are many, many examples, which can be seen at the Federalist.
These are exactly the kinds of things which would, at a minimum, cause a lower level federal employee to lose their security clearance. They could further be fined and/or prosecuted. Even jailed. Will Hillary be held to the same standard?
Let’s not forget that Democrats fantasized about Karl Rove being frogmarched out of the White House in handcuffs over the release of Valerie Plame’s name, of George Bush being impeached, despite Plame not being a field operative for the CIA, and her husband telling people that she worked for the CIA. Here you have Hillary breaking the law, not too mention intentionally doing everything she could to avoid oversight and freedom of information act requests.

This again shows how corrupt our Justice Dept is under Obama.
On another note, if these are the emails she released, one can only imagine what was contained in the emails she erased.
But, but, she’s a Clinton…the laws don’t apply to her.
Teach. Plane WAS a field operative
When her name was leaked it tainted anyone who had worked with her in the past
It is not a crime to disseminate unclassified information that is later classified
She wasn’t a field operative at the time her name was released john. Also, if the releasing CIA agents is so egregious, why did Plame out another agent herself ?
It is a crime to release, store or exchange information that was classified “at birth” whether or not it had a classified designation on the documents. There are some things that are classified without a classified label. That’s the law john.
Also, it is against the law to have official records on a system that is not known or approved by the government for the purpose of complying with record keeping laws.
And again, the email dump yesterday shows that Hillary failed to disclose correspondence related to the Benghazi attack despite a FOIA request from several people and groups.
You’ll defend Clinton because she has a “D” after her name. For the most part, conservatives won’t defend those who break the law or who think they are above the law like the Clintons do.
GC it has never been s crime to send irvyobreveive information that has not been classified
If u send to you. An email that says Teach is a spy for
Red China
And later it turns out that he is/was and that information is now classified Secret
As far as disclosing covert agents names: it is not that it puts their lives at risk as it does. To taint all foreign contacts
Scooter Libby was defended staunchly by the right as was Duke Cunningham and the last TWO GOP Speakers of the House after indictment
You point your finger at ME for being partisan ??
Mr Pott meet Muster Kettle
Should you be prosecuted later for having received that same info BEFORE it was classified?
Go ahead and defend Clinton now after this, john….
(more at the Washington Post.)
You can keep saying that all you want john, but it just isn’t true. There are some things that are “born classified” and do not need to have a stamp or be labeled as “classified” to in fact be classified. That is not my opinion, that is the law and confirmed as policy by the State Department. For example, images from spy satellites are classified from their inception and do not require any stamp or label to be classified. They are classified from their “birth.” Such images were found within the Clinton emails.
You are wrong again john. If Teach is a spy, the email is classified from its inception. It doesn’t take a review to make that information “classified” as it is already classified. If Teach is not a spy, then it is declassified but the moment you say that someone in the CIA the government is a spy as part of your job, it is classified. Once again, your own example shows the fallacy of your thinking.
Yep. You didn’t see anyone here defend Libby or Cunningham. You are defending Hillary and you would defend any other Democrat. You’ve proven that in the past and continue to do so today.
For example, you attacked Plame’s outing but are silent on the fact that she outed a CIA agent as well. .
You are still missing the point here john. I am sorry that you cannot understand that there are things that are classified without being labeled as being classified.
Teach has cited the law to you in a previous post. I have given you the practical application of that law and yet you still want to argue against the facts.
This is why you are a troll, john. You cannot handle debate and discussions at all.
GC covered this, but, hey, John, if that was the case, why wasn’t her husband, Joe Wilson, prosecuted for outing her in his Who’s Who biography?
Actually, it is. 18 USC 793. Look it up. I mentioned it the other day.
Even if it wasn’t, Hillary was disseminating classified, secret, and sensitive information via a wholly unsecured server not under the control of the US government, using un-approved devices.
Apparently, Hillary put classified satellite intel of North Korea through her server. NK has a very robust hacking system. They could find out our means and sources.
According to 18 USC 793, yes. The SoS and those she has working directly for her should know. Of course, they should have known better than to use an outside email system and unapproved devices.
Mrs Wilson was classified as a NOC (non-official cover) agent, but she wasn’t working as a NOC. Rather, she was working at CIA headquarters in Langley.
There’s a great big exit sign for the CIA headquarters off one of the interstates near Washington, and I guarantee you that every intelligence agency worth anything — the Russians, the Chinese, the Israelis, the British and the Germans and the French, all photograph car license plates going into Langley. Any car that parks there more than a time or two will be noted, and the license plate traced; they all knew that Mrs Wilson worked for the CIA.
Then there was the hilarity when the Germans were shocked, shocked! that the CIA had tapped Chancellor Angela Merkel’s cell phone. And we apologized profusely, and said it would never happen again, and it was all a big lie: of course we spy on our allies, and our allies spy on us. Not spying on our allies would be sloppy.
Was anybody tapping Secretary of State Clinton’s e-mails and blackberries and what-not? I guarantee you that they were trying; we just don’t know if anybody succeeded.
It should be noted that while john is hyperventilating about information that was or was not classified, the fact remains that Clinton had classified information on her server which is against the law.
She also failed to notify the government of the server which is also against the law.
Clinton also lied to Congress about the emails as well as destroyed evidence.
People like john will continue to defend her though.