Brave, brave Sir Corey Booker came out this week as supporting the Iran Deal, calling it “deeply flawed“. If this was your company negotiating with another, and you were getting the short end of a “deeply flawed” deal, would you be interested in signing it?
You can actually find quite a bit of negative talk from those who say they support the deal. Mark Warner said in his statement “While I choose to support the deal, I am not satisfied with it as a final measure and will support efforts to shore-up its weaker points.” In other words, he knows it is very weak. We see similar things from so many other Democratic Party supporters and Senators. Meanwhile
(Fox News) Even as President Obama was securing the Senate support necessary to assure passage of the nuclear deal with Iran, Tehran’s top defense officials were scoffing at U.S. claims the pact will restrict the Islamic Republic’s military ambitions.
The president has been twisting arms and Secretary of State John Kerry reassuring lawmakers that the deal between Iran and the P5 +1 – members of the UN Security Council plus Germany – will ensure international inspections and bar Iran from ever developing nuclear weapons. This week, Sen. Barbara Mikulski, D-Md., became the 34th member of the Senate to back the controversial and unpopular deal, meaning that if it is defeated in a vote as expected, Obama will have enough support to sustain his certain veto. But Iran’s military brass has answered the U.S. nose-counting by thumbing their nose at America.
“Iran does not plan to issue permission for the [International Atomic Energy Agency] to inspect every site,” Iranian Defense Minister Brig. Gen. Hossein Dehqan told Al Mayadeen News Wednesday. “U.S. officials make boastful remarks and imagine that they can impose anything on the Iranian nation because they lack a proper knowledge of the Iranian nation.â€
Sounds like Iran is saying that they all that “anytime, anywhere” inspections talk was thrown out the window.
On the same day, a top Iranian general told troops preparing for a massive military drill involving up to 250,000 men that “the U.S. and the Zionists should know that the Islamic Revolution will continue enhancing its preparedness until it overthrows Israel and liberates Palestine.â€
Not that Democratic Party supporters care much about the destruction of Israel.
Obama has gone to great lengths to assure skeptics that the deal assures genuine oversight of the Iranian nuclear program, and in an August 19 letter to Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., he said the deal is the best chance to keep Iran from getting nuclear weapons, which he acknowledged would pose a major threat to Israel.
Brave, Brave Sir Heidi Heitkamp, one of the other Very Brave Dem senators who came out late, spends a bit of time yammering on about how great the inspections are, as do many other Democrats. Yet, here’s Iran noting that inspections will be controlled by Iran, and they will enforce lots of restrictions. They are telling us what they will do. Why won’t Democratic Party supporters and officials listen? Is it that they want a deal, no matter how bad, to give Obama a “win”? Do they understand that the fallout will land squarely on their heads?
Ms. Heitkamp notes “As part of the deal, Iran committed to never develop nuclear weapons and agreed to permanently abide by enhanced inspection protocols.” Apparently not. They never agreed to the first, and won’t even acknowledge their nuclear weapons program, and are telling use they won’t abide by the enhanced inspection protocols.
She also writes “Earlier this year, I helped introduce legislation – which Congress passed – to make sure Congress votes on this deal.” Will Heidi force her Democratic Party Senate colleagues to vote on it? Ask her here.

In a way, it doesn’t matter: once the other major powers agreed to the deal, the only thing that American rejection of the deal would mean is that everyone else would normalize relations with Iran, other nations’ businesses would make money in Iran, and there would be no inspections at all . . . not that the inspections really mean anything.
It seems as if the Republican Congress will have a difficult time blocking this.
A recent FOIA request discloses that Obama doesn’t even have to tell Congress about the deal if HE decides it compromises national security. You can thank John Yoo and George W. Bush for that policy.
“If he decides it compromises national security.” Get a clue, J- the only national security that would be compromised by having Iran police themselves would be Israel. But anyway, says Obama “it’s such a great deal that I’ll have to hide some of the really good stuff from you.” You can’t make up stupidity like this.
Don’t be so hard on yourself.