I’ve mentioned it time and time again: whenever this is some sort of big holiday, Warmists must link the two. I was initially disappointed that there really weren’t any unhinged Cult of Climastrology missives prior to Labor Day. How dare they break my notion of linkage! Ah, but today is the day. Let’s start here with George Soros funded climate monkey Joe Romm
Labor Day 2050: How Unchecked Global Warming Threatens Labor Productivity
Unchecked global warming will have a serious negative impact on labor productivity this century. Ironically, strong climate action would be a huge boost to productivity.
Here’s what we know: A 2013 NOAA study concluded that “heat-stress related labor capacity losses will double globally by 2050 with a warming climate.†If we don’t get off our current path of carbon pollution emissions, we face as much as a 50 percent drop in labor capacity in peak months by century’s end.
“If ifs and buts were candies and nuts we’d all have a wonderful Christmas.” I don’t get to trot that one out too often.
Labor Day is a time to celebrate and reflect….
As our drought continues and forest fires devastate large parts of Eastern Washington, the impacts of climate change are bearing harshly down on our communities. We can address the impacts of climate change and create tens of thousands of family wage jobs if we invest in rebuilding our state’s infrastructure – e.g., investing in water projects that increase water storage and protect against floods and storm water run-off. These types of investments protect us against quicker glacial melts and droughts.
By placing a cap on carbon emissions and investing fees from carbon in alternative and renewable energy sources we can address both inequality and climate change at the same time. We can create tens of thousands of new jobs in the energy efficiency industry if we take to scale retrofitting public, commercial and residential buildings.
It’s so simple! If we institute a huge tax scheme, everything will be A-OK! The writer, Jeff Johnson, a member of the Washington State Labor Council, wrote something similar for The Olympian. Then there’s this
Oh, good, trivia! I love trivia! Did you know that Led Zeppelin played their first gig on this day in 1968? And that The Who drummer Keith Moon died on this day? And that Louis the Stammerer was crowned as King of West Francia by Pope John VIII in 878? Oh, wait
We can attack inequality and the adverse impacts of climate change by placing a cap on carbon and investing carbon fees in retrofitting our homes, businesses and public buildings; by investing in our water infrastructure to prevent against drought, flooding and stormwater run-off; and by investing in renewable and sustainable energy sources.
It’s a very weird article, devoid of anything linked to the headline, and it’s almost like it was printed without the beginning. But, hey, climate change!

[…] The Pirate’s Cove – It’s Labor Day, So, It Must Be Time To Talk About Climate Change […]
[…] The Pirate’s Cove – It’s Labor Day, So, It Must Be Time To Talk About Climate Change […]
[…] The Pirate’s Cove – It’s Labor Day, So, It Must Be Time To Talk About Climate Change […]