Remember, most Warmists are members of the same party and belief set that says Government should stay out of all decisions when it comes to abortion, but wants the Green Police to monitor your carbon footprint
Climate change: Track urban emissions on a human scale
Cities need to understand and manage their carbon footprint at the level of streets, buildings and communities, urge Kevin Robert Gurney and colleagues.…..
Knowing that certain roads, types of vehicle or parts of a city dominate road emissions and why people drive at specific times would tell city planners where and how to lower emissions efficiently. Improvements in traffic congestion, air quality, pedestrian conditions, and noise pollution could be aligned. But tracking emissions road by road and building by building is beyond the capacity of most cities.
Luckily, scientists are gathering the data that city managers need — in studies that match sources of CO2 and methane with atmospheric concentrations. Now the research community needs to translate this information into a form that city managers can use. Emissions data need to be merged with socio-economic information such as income, property ownership or travel habits, and placed in software tools that can query policy options and weigh up costs and benefits. And scientists should help municipalities to raise awareness of the power of detailed emissions data in tailoring climate and development policies.
In other words, merging all our private data with that of the Cult of Climastrology so they can track everything.
Slashing emissions requires mapping them on finer scales of space and time that reflect the human dimensions at which carbon is emitted: by individual buildings, vehicles, parks, factories and power plants. These should be tracked at least yearly. Such granular estimates are needed for several reasons: to verify emissions rates; to confirm progress towards reduction and support carbon trading, permits or taxation; to enable more-targeted and financially efficient decisions about mitigation options; and to identify and fix unintentional releases from, for example, leaking gas pipes or malfunctioning methane-capture equipment in landfills.
So, once they have all that information, they can target the permits and taxation, along with all sorts of restrictions on citizens and private entities.
With detailed knowledge of carbon flows, cities might succeed in reducing global emissions where nations have failed.
One has to wonder why all these cities have such big carbon footprints, when they tend to be run by Democrats, big believers in “climate change”, and stocked with a majority of Democratic Party voters. It’s almost like they don’t really believe their talking points enough to change their own behavior.
I wonder how they’ll respond when they realize that The Government is tracking their every move, invading their privacy, then taxing them over it?

Our esteemed host wrote:
It’s been said before: the Democrats are pro-choice on exactly one thing.
Our host also wrote:
The Democrats’ voters really don’t believe their leadership’s talking points, and the leadership don’t care, as long as they keep getting the votes.
And, of course, the Democrats’ leadership know that their own voters are too dumb to notice that the leadership don’t do what they say others should do.
In general people who live in cities have a lower carbon footprint. Than those that do not
Teach haven’t your taxes actually gone down under Obama? Most people’s taxes are lower
And cities are reducing their carbon pollution
Here in NYC we have 90% natural gas/duel electric busses
Teach is always on that abortion thing lol
Like somehow that U.S. An important part of his life?
The bible says that a fetus is worthy less tgN 1/2. Oz of silver
Payable to the father, presumably for his efforts in conception
oh john, it is not unusual to see you mouth off, but the other day you said that people should support their claims with citations and yet your whole screed is devoid of any documentation.
This is quibbling on your part. Cities cannot and do not exist without their supporting suburbs. When the suburbs are factored in, cites and the surrounding areas have a much higher carbon footprint than rural areas.
Once again you demonstrate your amazing lack of economics.
In addition, there is little difference between taxes and fees john and most people will tell you that fees in their lives have risen dramatically.
The bible says that a fetus is worthy less tgN 1/2. Oz of silver
You have tried this before and when asked for a citation, you have been silent. I am always leery of anything you say since you have such a lousy history of understanding most anything, but I am especially leey when you presume to say anything about the Bible because you have never – and I mean NEVER – gotten anything on that topic right.
So what is your cite for your claim there john?
Let’s actually see what you are referring to.
The more you listen to warmists and their ridiculous ideas, the more if becomes obvious that North Korea is their ideal.
As Dana correctly points out, we’ll still be able to abort innocent babies, but other than that, we’ll have no choices on how we live.
John gets his bell rung yet again.
John wrote:
Well, I s’pose it could be considered a benefit that when your wages decrease, you pay less in taxes, but that’s hardly a cause for celebration.
My taxes certainly haven’t gone down; I’m paying more, not less. But, I have to wonder: just what taxes does John believe have decreased under President Obama? The income tax rates have gone up for the top producers, and did not decrease for lower income people.