Representative Lamar Smith pens a piece over at the Hill, smacking around Mr. Obama over his idiotic “climate change” policies and recent Alaskan photo-op, which includes 7 facts
1. For the past 18 years, weather satellites have not measured a global increase in temperatures although carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased over that same period. Weather satellites are the most advanced instruments for measuring global temperatures. The fact that these satellites have not detected a measureable temperature increase despite an increased concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere calls into question the correlation climate change alarmists preach between carbon emissions and temperature.
3. The natural cycle of global temperatures has resulted in both higher and lower temperatures over the past 1,000 years than exist today. These temperature fluctuations occurred before significant fossil energy use. So temperatures the Earth is experiencing now have been seen before.
4. If implemented, the Obama administration’s Climate Action Plan would reduce global temperatures by only 0.01, or one one-hundredth of a degree Celsius. President Obama’s former Deputy Secretary for Fossil Energy at the Department of Energy, Charles McConnell, said that EPA’s carbon rules will have only a minor impact on global climate change. Yet regulations will cost billions of dollars and jeopardize thousands of jobs.
7. Carbon dioxide accounts for a very small part of the Earth’s overall atmosphere and those levels have fluctuated throughout the Earth’s history. Carbon dioxide currently accounts for only .038 percent of our planet’s atmosphere. And human-made carbon dioxide only makes up about three percent of that. Put another way, if all the gases in the atmosphere were represented by the length of a football field, only the last 1/10 of an inch would be carbon emissions caused by humans. It’s hard to believe that such a small amount would supposedly have such huge consequences.
There are three more at the link. I could technically excerpt the whole thing, being from an elected official, but that would still be bad form.
Of course, facts are immaterial to th3 Cult of Climastrology, since this is all about pushing a hardcore Progressive agenda.
The EPA and other government agencies too often fail to present all the facts. Their agenda comes first, accuracy comes second. Climate change has many explanations – and unanswered questions. The American people need good science, not science fiction promoted by alarmists.
Calling it science fiction is an insult to science fiction. But, it’s nice to see elected officials finally acknowledging that this isn’t about science, but politics, and arguing in that manner, rather than trying to rebut sloppy, misleading, and false junk science.

1. For the past 18 years, weather satellites have not measured a global increase in temperatures (this is untrue) although carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased over that same period. Weather satellites are the most advanced instruments for measuring global temperatures (this is untrue). The fact that these satellites have not detected a measureable temperature increase (this is untrue) despite an increased concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere calls into question the correlation climate change alarmists preach between carbon emissions and temperature.
This is simpleton science from Rep. Smith (R-TX).
3. The natural cycle of global temperatures has resulted in both higher and lower temperatures over the past 1,000 years than exist today (there is no evidence that during the past 1000 years the Earth has been warmer than now). These temperature fluctuations occurred before significant fossil energy use. So temperatures the Earth is experiencing now have been seen before.
4. If implemented, the Obama administration’s Climate Action Plan would reduce global temperatures by only 0.01, or one one-hundredth of a degree Celsius.(as opposed to continued increase) President Obama’s former Deputy Secretary for Fossil Energy at the Department of Energy, Charles McConnell, said that EPA’s carbon rules will have only a minor impact on global climate change (directly yes, but if the most polluting nation in history cuts our emissions the world, as is being seen, will follow). Yet regulations will cost billions of dollars (not true) and jeopardize thousands of jobs (not true).
7. Carbon dioxide accounts for a very small part of the Earth’s overall atmosphere and those levels have fluctuated throughout the Earth’s history (so?). Carbon dioxide currently accounts for only .038 percent of our planet’s atmosphere (so?). And human-made carbon dioxide only makes up about three percent of that. Put another way, if all the gases in the atmosphere were represented by the length of a football field, only the last 1/10 of an inch would be carbon emissions caused by humans. It’s hard to believe that such a small amount would supposedly have such huge consequences (but yet it does – we have increased the CO2 level about 40% – which is causing the Earth to warm).
Smith’s arguments are juvenile, have been repeatedly refuted and display an ignorance unbecoming of an purportedly educated American.
1. It’s not warming.
2. It’s been warm before.
4. America cannot make a difference. And it will cost too much.
7. CO2 is not a greenhouse gas.
And this man is the Chairman of the Science, Space and Technology Committee in the House, and is an embarrassment. Allah help us.
Once again lil’ jeffy fails to provide any links to support any of his claims.
The ignorant radical Lamar Smith did not support his “
arguments”lies with links or citations.He rehashed zombie lies whose coffin is so nailed shut that it’s hard to find a spot to hammer another nail!
1. It’s not warming! This latest zombie lie comes courtesy of the RSS satellite dataset of lower troposphere radiation detection (computer modeling converts this radiation data to “temperature”). The UAH satellite dataset (managed by “skeptics” Christy and Spencer) cannot verify the RSS data. The surface and ocean datasets (measured with thermometers) also show warming. You can calculate these yourself at Did you know the RSS satellite shows a 0.161C per decade warming trend since 2008??
2. It’s warmed before! So? It’s warming now from greenhouse gases we’ve added to the atmosphere. Surely you’re not claiming that greenhouses gases are not greenhouse gases (see 7 below).
4. America cannot make a difference! Teach and his acolytes claim that global warming is a hoax because “warmists” refuse to lead by example. So here’s the US leading by example and dragging the Chinese and India along and you still complain! US greenhouse gas emissions have actually been on the DECLINE for the past decade but it was Wall Street and DC that wrecked the economy!
7. Greenhouse gases are not greenhouse gases! So CO2 doesn’t absorb infrared radiation? Look up Svante Arrhenius.
And we can see why the dishonest Teach deleted the dishonest Smith’s #6 and then started making excuses for leaving out some of Smith’s indisputable
“facts”lies:6. Population growth, especially in the developing world, will account for even more global carbon emissions. Carbon emissions from developing countries are projected to increase by over 125 percent by 2040. And world population is expected to surge by over 2 billion people by 2050, an increase of more than 30 percent. Yet few climate scientists acknowledge the potential impact of population growth on carbon emissions (this is a blatant lie).
Sounds like Lamar Smith is calling for population control, especially in the developing world, which the consistently dishonest Teach accuses liberals of wanting!! You can’t make this stuff up (because Teach does).
Here’s another essay by the redoubtable Jonathan Chait discussing the radical Republicans (Lamar Smith is one) and their constantly shifting “logic” on global warming.
One of Smith’s
“indisputable facts”misleading opinions is that efforts by the US to reduce carbon emissions are a waste of time unless China agrees to go along. Now the radicals are opposing any agreements to get China to go along!Lest we forget. The Earth is warming from CO2 we’ve added to the atmosphere. Now, Europe, the US and China (and other nations!) are getting serious about global warming and are finding innovative ways to reduce carbon emissions, without causing the doom and gloom predicted by the willfully ignorant, right-wing Cassandras. The New Republicans are an outlier on global warming, and a powerful one, but few of their predictions have come true.
oops… the link
“The Earth is warming from CO2 we’ve added to the atmosphere.”
That seems to be one of the pillars of your argument. But, as you say, (not true).
Satellites: Earth Is Nearly In Its 22nd Year Without Global Warming
In fact, the Earth IS warming, an article from the Daily Caller not withstanding. The RSS calculations show no warming in the lower troposphere and that’s become the cornerstone of conservative denialism. The UAH calculations show slight warming, and the thermometer based datasets show more warming. We’re in the middle of an El Nino event which will make 2015 and likely 2016 the warmest since we’ve been recording.
If the RSS readout in 2016 is higher than the starting point of the deniers’ satellite-only troposphere pause (1998) will you concede that warming never stopped? Of course not. Deniers will move to the next excuse.
The interesting question is why the surface temperature/thermometer datasets show more warming than the lower troposphere satellite computer based models.