Happy Sunday! Another great day in America, with Halloween right around the corner…wait, it isn’t? Huh. Why all the stuff in stores? Anyhow, this is supposedly by Ted Withers, supposedly because is a bit different from his other stuff, with a wee bit of help.
What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15
- No Frakking Consensus discusses climate rhetoric becoming threadbare
- Director Blue says McConnell and Corker should run for the hills after the first Iranian terror strike
- Vox Popoli says the ladies should relax and enjoy all the diversity of violent refugees
- This ain’t Hell… has a few Sunday morning feel good stories
- Wild Thing covers Carly! Fiorina discussing Trump’s non-presidential persona
- The Powers That Be features the Pantsuit Choir
- The Daley Gator notes the entirely predictable consequences of leftist economic intervention
- Public Secrets notes that 2015 is the new 1938
- Pamela Geller covers Yale establishing a Sharia law school
- Moonbattery wonders why there are so few women and children among the refugees invading Europe
- Legal Insurrection covers Hillary’s server not being wiped
- Jihad Watch provides an interesting Iranian quote on the deal
- House Of Eratosthenes discusses graft and equality
- Fire Andrea Mitchell notes how many Syrian “refugees” Democrats want to accept
- And last, but not least, Chicks On The Right highlights hipsters opinions on the Iran deal
As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page. While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets†calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me
- The Other McCain Full Metal Jacket. And Rule 5 Sunday! (last week’s).
- Proof Positive has Best Of The Web Linkaround. And a Friday night babe! And Vintage Babe of the Week.
- Daley Gator has Daley Babe. And more DaleyBabe. And Brittney Dessie Mitcheson at DaleyGator DaleyBabes.
- Maggies Farm has Saturday Links. And Friday Links.
- American Power has cooling off. And Samantha Hoopes.
- Doug Ross has Larwyn’s Linx: Tech Company: Clinton ‘server wasn’t wiped’. And Saturday’s Larwyn’s Linx: Mark Levin to McConnell: You will have blood on your hands for the rest of your life.
- Theo Spark has “just because”. Also a hard wired.
- Nice Deb has Saturday Movie Matinee: First Pitch.
- The H2 has Big Boob Friday. And some Rule 5 for the ladies.
- Randy’s Roundtable has Friday funnies.
- Reaganite Republican has the Sunday funnies. And linkage.
- A View From The Beach features Rule 5 Saturday – Jennifer Garner. And rules for the pool.
- The Last Tradition has Rule 5, Tammy Torres.
- The Chive has legs for day.
- Don Surber: Do Black Lives Matter?
- Watcher of Weasels has this weeks’ Council results. And thanks to all who linked back to Pirate’s Cove in the Watcher’s Council nomination post. Also, this week’s weasel.
- Evil Blogger Lady has Sinatra’s Come Fly With Me plus Rule 5 (last week’s).
- By Other Means has cosplay Friday.
- Bookworm Room has The Bookworm Beat.
- Political Clown Parade has flowing curves of beauty.
- GOODSTUFF’s Cyber World has sexy, links, and lots of stuff in a massive awesome post.
- Diogenes’ Middle Finger has Good Monday Morning.
- Woodsterman has Rule 5.
- 90Ninety Miles From Tyranny has hot pick. And girls with guns. And morning mistress. And way more of all three during the week.
- Victory Girls Blog: Surprise! Iran Finds A New Uranium Mine.
- And ending with the always awesome The First Street Journal which has some different Rule 5, Fort Jackson. And From Around The Blogroll.
Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!
Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. (BTW, since someone asked, the reason I leave links for the previous week up (or you might see a *) is because they are place holders for later in the day or for next weeks. Easier than rewriting all the time. Also, the listing order has to do with how they are added over time, not how good a post is. I just copy and paste from the previous week, then edit. If you see one of the *’s, go ahead and check out the blog anyhow, see if there is an update. I cannot update with my Android during the day.

Oh, he’s good.
Definitely in the Sarnoff/Elvgren mold.
I salute your industriousness.
It must be Hell, spending those long hours perusing the Internet, looking at drawings of gorgeous women, just to find one perfect specimen for us.
Go, rest your eyes.
Thanks for hanging out with Jennifer Tilly