Today’s unhinged scary fable based on bad computer models, hysteria, and cracked crystal balls
Report shows climate change could change everything in Pa.
The Pennsylvania we know today is being fundamentally altered by the impacts of climate change, according to scientists and economists from Pennsylvania State University.
Their Climate Impacts Assessment Update, prepared for the Department of Environmental Protection at the direction of the General Assembly, finds that Pennsylvania has warmed 1.8 degrees in the past 110 years, and the warming will increase at an accelerated rate. By 2050, Pennsylvania will be 5.4 degrees warmer than it was in the year 2000. By 2050, Philadelphia’s climate will be similar to current-day Richmond, Va. Pittsburgh will be similar to current-day Washington, D.C., or Baltimore.
This report is profoundly disturbing. Science is showing us that not only are the changes and disruptions to our state’s climate significant, but they are also occurring alarmingly fast, in ways that will affect key sectors of the economy, our health, and our quality of life.
It is profoundly disturbing for it’s unfounded and non-scientific alarmism. To think that Pa. will see an average rise of 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit in the next 35 years has no basis in reality. There’s no big acceleration for Philly, nor other Pa. cities.
Warmists just can’t help themselves for their insane prognostications.

Teach you are extrpkating your increase based over the 100+ years
If you look at the graph cited you can see that more than 2/3s of the 1.8F rise occurred in the space of the last 30 years. Plotting dt/dy DOES show that their estimate is accurate
You are ignoring RATE OF CHANGE do you remember anything from Calculus?
No, but I sure remember being forced to read “The Coming Ice Age” garbage that warned we would all be dead by 1980. This nonsense is no different.
As a
PennsylvanianKentuckian living in the Poconos, can I say that I’d love to see that 3.6ºF temperature rise; heating oil is expensive, and last winter was just bitterly cold.And our summers are not exactly too hot; we have a window air conditioner in our bedroom, and we used it maybe ten nights this summer.
When the residents riot and decide to burn the town down the prediction will be on the low side.
I dunno guys. I’ve been visiting the Church of Warm for a few weeks now, and they’re starting to make sense. For instance, we did an experiment – we measured the temperature above a gas burner that was unlit. It was 76 degrees and the co2 level was 358ppm. Then we turned it on and repeated the test. The co2 level was 12,000 ppm, and the temp was a whopping 2,350 degrees F. Proof positive – CO2 causes global warming in my kitchen!
We had to assume that the heat of combustion was negligible, but the other churchgoers told me that was a fair assumption.
Haven’t heard that excuse before! Kudos. CO2 is not causing global warming, it’s being caused by the heat of combustion! Have you ever felt the hood of your car after driving to work? It’s hot!
2,350ºF? Don’t use any aluminum pans! Better avoid those copper-bottomed pans as well.
I live in SE PA. The temps are pleasant here, with the exceptions of icy winters ( I love snow, hate ice) and of July and August when it can and often does, get Hazy Hot and Humid. (That is an actual weather forecast for PA) That’s why we live for September & October with warm days and cooler nights.
I think that the threat of us becoming more like Richmond VA (how does that make Richmond-ites feel) and western PA like DC & Baltimore (again, really?) is ridiculous. Even if, and I stress IF, the temps were to rise 5 degrees in 50 years, the actuality is nothing would change. Not every day will be a 5 degree jump in temps, and not every month will rise all at once. From 90 to 95 degrees, in the scheme of things, will not be noticed all that much.
ps I have been to Richmond and Baltimore in summer, it’s not so bad!