Heck of a job there, Barry and John!
(CNN) President Barack Obama’s big policy win this week — preventing Congress from blocking the nuclear agreement with Iran — may do little to improve his sagging approval ratings.
Apparently, shutting down debate is a “big policy win”, as is making sure your party is on the hook for whatever Iran does. Let’s also make sure we thank Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for his fecklessness.
A new CNN/ORC poll finds 59% disapprove of the way Obama is handling the U.S. relationship with Iran, and about half would have preferred Congress reject the deal. Few believe Iran will abide by its terms, and a growing number consider the country a serious threat to the U.S.
Most Americans think Iran will ultimately violate the terms of the agreement, with 37% calling that extremely likely and 23% saying very likely. Just 10% think it’s not at all likely that Iran would break the agreement. Republicans (83% likely) and independents (58% likely) are more apt to believe Iran would violate the agreement than are Democrats (44% likely).
Now, why would anyone possibly think Iran would break the agreement? Oh, right, Iran. Obama has 55% disapproval/42% approval rating on foreign affairs overall. And now that the Iran deal is supposedly a done deal, 49% see Iran as a “serious threat”. The last time we saw a number that high was back in 2012, with the number dropping. Only 11% see Iran as just a slight threat. Add that 33% see Iran as a “moderately serious threat”, and we have a heck of a meme! That #IranDeal is wonderful!
Russia is rising fast as a “very serious threat”. Reset button time!
Only 38% of Independents approve of the way Obama is handling Iran, and 37% of Democrats disapprove.
If Iran did violate the deal, 64% of all adults say the United States should respond with military action, including majorities across party lines (57% of Democrats, 64% of independents and 72% of Republicans). About a third, 34%, say the United States should not take military action if the deal is broken.
Sure, go ahead and invade the Sudetenland.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

Gee Teach those numbers look about the same as for those who thought Saddam had WMD
Do you think that they might be the same idiots ?
When Bush took over Iran had zero centrifuges, when he left they had 5000%
Bush removed Iran’s biggest enemy and replaced it with a regime that fully supports Iran.
Invasion ??? What country do you think Iran intends to invade? And if they did why should we care about protecting some Sunni dictator? If you wanted to contain Iran why remove Saddam ?
At least in Iran people get to vote, compare that to our Arab allies
A little BDS from John, who fails to note that there has been concern over Iran’s nuclear weapons program for decades, even from Bill Clinton.
Does John support Iran getting nuclear weapons? Sure seems like he does. He probably wants Israel destroyed.
As for Saddam, perhaps you should refer back to the 17 UN resolutions, and Clinton signing the Iraqi Liberation Act. But, hey, you just want to re-litigate the Iraq war, rather than having any concern over Iran getting nuclear weapons.
2015-09-14 13:39:16
When Bush took over Iran had zero centrifuges, when he left they had 5000%
‘tarded johnny, uh, when did Bush take over Iran?And ‘tarded’, is the bong half full or half empty?
Do they actually allow you to drive trucks or is the Teamsters Union keeping your employer from firing you?
As secret as their program has been we don’t know what they had and when they acquired it.
What country do you think Iran intends to invade?
Everyone in the Middle East who is not already allied with them. Then they might want to invade North Africa, got to build that Caliphate you know.
Maybe Saddam should not have acted like he was hiding something. 17 UN violations. The Clintons, John Kerry, Vladimir Putin and the paper of record the New York Times said he had or was acquiring WMDs.
They get to vote for who ever the mullahs allow to run. When they had elections in 2009 Obama supported the mullahs instead of the people who claimed election the election was stolen.
Maybe if we would have supported the Green Revolution we wouldn’t be talking about this right now.