Well, bless his heart
(US News) Taking aim at his potential political opponents, Vice President Joe Biden railed Wednesday against Republicans who “deny climate change” and want to shut down the federal government over funding for Planned Parenthood, and pleaded with them to “just get out of the way.”
Biden came to California, a national leader on clean energy, to tout solar technology and ramp up pressure on the U.S. and other nations as the Obama administration presses for a successful finish to global climate talks. Yet his visit was infused with 2016 overtones, and he playfully mocked Republicans who reject mainstream climate science that says humans are contributing to warmer temperatures.
“I think if you pushed them, they’d probably deny gravity as well,” Biden said.
He also whined about the Koch brothers. This all came after a long cross-country fossil fueled flight, followed, of course, by a convoy of fossil fueled vehicles to take him from the airport to the reception. Warmists are so cute when they’re hypocritical.
Speaking of hypocrites, David Letterman joins the CoC
The former late night host will travel to India for an episode of the National Geographic Channel’s Emmy-Award winning documentary series, Years of Living Dangerously, to address the issue of climate change.
Nothing like a fossil fueled flight to the other side of the world to make a (barely watched) show about Hotcoldwetdry.

But it’s the “deniers” that have a well-funded conspiracy. Check.
Teach is often unashamed to cite studies mentioned by The Heartland Institute which is among the most prominent climate deniers/truthers
They have in teh past been heavily funded by the tobacco industry
from wiki
Heartland has long questioned the links between tobacco smoking, secondhand smoke, and lung cancer and the social costs imposed by smokers.[37] One of Heartland’s first and most prominent campaigns was against tobacco regulation.[6] According to the Los Angeles Times, Heartland’s advocacy for the tobacco industry is one of the two things Heartland is most widely known for.[38]
A 1993 internal “Five Year Plan” from Philip Morris to address environmental tobacco smoke regulation called for support for the efforts of the Heartland Institute.[40][41] In 1996, Heartland president and chief executive officer Joe Bast wrote an essay entitled “Joe Camel is Innocent!,”[6][40] which said that contributions from the tobacco industry to Republican political campaigns were most likely because Republicans “have been leading the fight against the use of ‘junk science’ by the Food and Drug Administration and its evil twin, the Environmental Protection Agency.”
Yes Mojo there is pretty much an open cheque book for anyone who wants to shill for fossil fuel
Oh and Teach by the way, haven’t heard any recent updates on YOUR attempt at quitting your nicotine drug addiction, how is that going ?
The Joe Camel advertising campaign began just after you graduated from prep school. Did that have any impact on your own addiction ?
John- Nothing you said contradicts that when it comes to funding, the climate astrologers are in another league, with almost unlimited government funding. And what the Heartland Institute did or didn’t do with the tobacco problem is irrelevant to the post. Other than that, your typical bang-up job trying to say something.
I am a fervent gravity denier. The only problem is gravity will not deny me.