Let’s not forget that more than half of Democrats believed that George Bush knew about the attacks, and let them happen/made them happen. There are many other similar polls. But, hey, yeah, we’re the crazy ones
Crazy Talk at the Republican Debate
And that, America, is frightening. Peel back the boasting and insults, the lies and exaggerations common to any presidential campaign. What remains is a collection of assertions so untrue, so bizarre, that they form a vision as surreal as the Ronald Reagan jet looming behind the candidates’ lecterns.
It felt at times as if the speakers were no longer living in a fact-based world where actions have consequences, programs take money and money has to come from somewhere. Where basic laws — like physics and the Constitution — constrain wishes. Where Congress and the public, allies and enemies, markets and militaries don’t just do what you want them to, just because you say they will.
They whine about immigration, then the Times’ editorial board says that illegal immigration isn’t even a problem. Perhaps we should ask all those who’ve had their identities stolen, those who’ve lost their jobs, and those who’ve seen depressed wages. Or the family of Kate Steinle.
Then they want to capitulate to Iran and Russia. Then
Jeb Bush spun a particularly repellent fantasy. Speaking reverently of his brother the president, he said, “He kept us safe,†and invoked the carnage of 9/11. Wait, what? Did he mean George W. Bush, who was warned about the threat that Al Qaeda would attack? Who then invaded a non sequitur country, Iraq, over a nonexistent threat?
There’s the August 6 PDB yammering, something the 9/11 Truth movement loves to trot out. A briefing with no actionable intelligence. Kinda like saying “hey, someone might break into your house.” If Bush had instituted any policies to attempt to stop this, such as profiling Muslim men entering the US, the same NY Times would have gone ballistic. Of course, most were already here, having trained in the US under the Clinton policies.
As for Iraq, nearly every single Democrat, foreign intelligence service, and, hey, even the NY Times thought Iraq was a threat. How soon these Truthers forget. Well, not really forget as much as rewrite history.

So even though 9/11 occurred during Bush’s term it was Clinton’s fault. Even though the misguided and tragic invasion of Iraq occurred during Bush’s term it was everyone else’s fault.
I watched the
debatefood fight and heard “cut spending, increase defense spending, balance the budget, cut Social Security, raise taxes on hedge funders, cut taxes on the wealthy and corporations while raising workers taxes, flat tax, fair tax, fear of Mexicans, fear of Iran, fear of Russia, fear of China, fear of Obama, fear of Obamacare, lies about Planned Parenthood, fear, fear, fear, Trump bankrupted 4 entities, Fiorina ran HP into the ground, Obama started ISIS, Obama ruined America, Obama hates Israel, Trump will charm Putin into making a deal, Obama’s red line in Syria, Behghazi!, “… nothing new. Obama sucks, increase defense, invade somebody, cut entitlements, stop abortion, build a wall around the US.Fiorina “debated” better than the others. Trump spent the night mugging and interrupting and directly lied about trying to get casinos in FL. He’s going to add 35% tariffs to items entering the US. Trade war, smade war!! Rubio said he’s a skeptic not a denier! and also recited the new Repub position – it doesn’t matter if it’s warming or if it’s caused by CO2 – the real problem is that Obama wants to ruin the economy!
It’s not that the Republicans are crazy, it’s that their policy prescriptions are crazy.
One will note that Jeffery merely reads back what he thinks the Republicans said and think. He refutes non of it. Surprise.
“I’m certain that if my husband and his national security team had been shown a classified report entitled `Bin Laden Determined to Attack Inside United States,’ he would have taken it more seriously than history suggests it was taken by our current president and his national security team,†Hillary Clinton said.
On Friday, December 4, 1998, the CIA included an article in the Presidential Daily Brief describing intelligence, received from a friendly government, about a threatened hijacking in the United States.
Want to play some more of the blame game?
I will play
So Clinton was warned and he was able to prevent that from happening?
I live in NYC
Don’t tell me that Bush kept us safe
Yes Teach Anerica DID think that Iraq was a threat
Why was that when it really wasn’t?
Well it was because Bush/Cheney demanded intelligence that fit their agenda which was to invade and occupy Iraq
And if someone titles an intelligence report “bin laden determined to attack the USA” maybe the recipient, Bush (who was on vacation he took 4x as many as Obama) should have taken that warming more seriously. However, at that timber was still more focused on Starting a war with Iraq
And the man who fed him that well cooked intelligence
George Tennet received the highest civilian medal given
Bush lied to the U.S. people
He did not keep us safe
He signed the SOFA that obligated us to leave Iraq
We had $4.50 gas and a Dow that crashed an unheard of 50% and unemployment if 9%
That was the reason his poll numbers shrank to one half of Obama’s
That was the reason he is told to stay away from the Republican convention
Truther?? Most of the remaining truthers like beck and Alex jones are uber right wing
If Bill Clinton had done his job way back when, the attacks of 9/11/2001 might not have happened, because when he had the chance to kill bin Laden, Clinton failed to act.
That you and your ilk believe the right wing talking points deserve refutation is a large part of the problem.
Libertarianish Rand Paul told a small truth: Blacks are incarcerated for drug use at a rate that far exceeds whites. Said another way, Black pot smokers are more likely to go to jail than white pot smokers.
As I’ve said many times before, almost every point conservatives believe is based on demonstrably false information.
Let’s pick one: According to Carly!, PP videos show a fetus alive on a table, heart beating, legs kicking, while PPers talk about keeping her alive to harvest the brain. She later admitted it wasn’t in the video but that that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen!! If Secretary Clinton had made that claim, you’d yell, LIAR!
Another: There is no evidence to support Rubio’s claim that EPA policies will destroy the economy.
Another: Donald Trump claimed vaccines cause autism. Two physicians on the panel claimed the problems with vaccines could be solved by “spreading them out”. Trump: “That’s all I’m saying.” There is no scientific evidence to support their claims.
There is no evidence to suggest that raising taxes on the working classes and cutting taxes on the wealthy and corporations will stimulate the economy (flat tax and fair tax proposals).
The superwealthy voluntarily giving up their $2500/month Social Security will have an insignificant impact on the system.
Frontrunner Trump lied about his casino gambling desires in Florida.
Trump said he’d slap a 35% tariff on Fords made in Mexico to be shipped back into the US. Do you think that’s a good idea? Do you think that could have an impact on the US balance of trade?
Trump falsely claimed that illegal immigration costs $200 billion a year. There is no evidence to support that figure.
Trump falsely claimed Mexico doesn’t have “birthright” citizenship.
Trump falsely claimed that Wisconsin has a $2.2 billion debt.
We can give Trump the benefit of the doubt, after all, he’s a “businessman” who are professional liars by trade.
The once great GOP have lost all sense of decency and reason. They are untethered to truth.
Did President Bush have LESS information about bin laden than Clinton had? Was bin laden LESS a threat in 2001 than in 1999?
If, if, if… If the US and UK hadn’t ousted Mossadegh in 1953 the attacks of 9/11 might not have happened, if Reagan had not given arms to the Afghans, 9/11 might not have happened, if Clinton, if Bush…
I don’t blame Clinton or Bush for 9/11. I blame the violent radicals who planned it, executed it and flew the planes. Our intelligence resources missed it – after all, the terrorist pilots trained in the US!! – and our government made a hash of the aftermath.
The stupidity and weakness causes war. This often does not happen under his watch as it is like ripples in a pond. A rock is thrown in and the ripples become waves over time. Thus, the stupidity of Clinton led to the events of 9/11. Now, we are headed to another world war subsequent to the stupidity and incompetence of Obama. The ground work is in motion, the next president will have to clean up the mess made by Obama, Hillary and Kerry. I am surprised that you claim to have a corporation and don’t have the vision and knowledge inherent in determining these actions. As to all your “ifs”, the biggest is that if we would treat Muslims like the dogs they are, then the world would be a better and safer place. Name one place in the world were Muslims are not a problem, unless they control the government in which case the country is a totalitarian mess.
As to social security, give me back the money taken with interest and I will forget the obligations of the government. I could have used those deduction to buy food when I was younger.
The problem with new Republicanism is summed up by Teach in just a few sentences…
The demagogues realize that immigrants and Iran are not even in the top 10 of real problems for America. Trump is a better politician than any give him credit for, galvanizing the Repub base around the Mexican menace, but his nomination guarantees another 8 years of a Dem president.
Jeffrey believes that “immigrants and Iran are not even in the top 10 of real problems for America.” One wonders what he does believe the top 10 of real problems for America are.
I’m guessing that his list will include things which aren’t problems at all.
1-5 Income and wealth inequality
6-10 Campaign finance and our plutocracy
everything else
Conservative list
Christian persecution
Gay marriage
Gay wedding cakes
Prayer in school
Bad girls
Fear of un-white un-Christians
Negro violence (ALL Lives Matter!!)
Mexican violence (illegals!)
Muslim violence (Iran!, Benghazi!)
Commie violence (Russia!)
National debt (we’re broke!!)
Social Security (it’s broke!!)
Obamacare (it’s breaking us!!)
Negro laziness (welfare!!)
Tax cuts raise revenues!
Global warming is a commie hoax!
Vaccines cause autism
Evolution is a theory
Presidential manliness
forgot to add…
in healthcare… as our medical and social advances keep increasing our lifespans, diseases of aging (cardiovascular, cancer, Alzheimer’s) will consume more and more of our healthcare resources… we need to increase our efforts in prevention and treatment
Alzheimer’s and other dementias are a bigger future problem for the US than is Iran or immigrants