Remember when Warmists were saying that Game Of Thrones was really all about being a metaphor for “climate change”? Now we have
‘The Lord of the Rings’ reimagined as climate catastrophe — in GIFs
A planet in potential devastation — a dark power dangles within reach and tantalizes humans to the point of valuing increased personal opulence over the survival of all. Few stewards fight to maintain peace, while the plague of human obsession for abundance and domination spreads across the land.
The masses remain naïve to the situation, while an equal amount believe their actions won’t make a difference in the play out of good versus evil. The sky darkens. The earth crumbles beneath. The only chance of survival depends upon the kindling of hope burning in the hearts of the beings of Middle Earth.
Sound familiar? That may be because it is a synopsis of “The Lord of the Rings,” or it may be because the LOTR story line is starting to fit our global reality. The unfolding evil manifesting from the great ring of power in LOTR parallels the devastation in our reality inflicted by powerful institutions/organizations on the natural world and in turn humanity.
Here are five reasons why LOTR well represents our world under climate change conditions.
You’ll have to pop over to the link to see those 5, Fair Use, standard Blog Rules, and just simple respect of the writings of others prohibits me from jacking the whole post, but I do enjoy this part in #1
We each have the same individual choice to make by being conscious consumers, giving up simple luxuries and getting educated about the impacts of our waste.
Funny, because the vast majority of Warmists refuse to make those individual choices to reduce their own consumption of fossil fuels and make their lives carbon neutral, or as close to CN as can be. I guess that makes them the Evil Orcs.

You type that every day but have never supported the claim with evidence. Clearly john has had an impact though, since you did at least add the qualifier “as close to CN as can be”. Maybe you realized that perfection is unattainable, and holding your opponents to perfection is not a valid argument.