When push comes to shove, never bet against Mr. Obama demeaning Americans and America, especially when speaking in front of the United Nations. Powerline writes of his whole speech “The tone is professorial, patronizing, obnoxious, and unmanly.” It’s just Obama being Obama
(Breitbart) President Obama, who appears increasingly annoyed by presidential candidate Donald Trump, pointedly denounced the themes of the billionaire candidate’s campaign for president during his speech to the United Nations.
Referring to the “most advanced democracies†in the world, Obama admitted to the world leaders that there was opposition from the “far right†on trade agreements and immigration.
“We see greater polarization, more frequent gridlock; movements on the far right, and sometimes the left, that insist on stopping the trade that binds our fates to other nations, calling for the building of walls to keep out immigrants,†he said.
It was Democrats who were mostly against the recent trade agreements. That said, Obama lives behind “walls”. The White House has a fence, separating Obama from everyone else, which is constantly monitored by people with guns. Sure, it isn’t perfect, a few people get through now and then, but, it stops 99.999% of the people. He has a wall of people constantly surrounding him when he is out and about. Of course, he’s being completely disingenuous, as usual, in calling people who illegally cross our borders/overstay their visas “immigrants”.
Obama continues on in that paragraph
Most ominously, we see the fears of ordinary people being exploited through appeals to sectarianism, or tribalism, or racism, or anti-Semitism; appeals to a glorious past before the body politic was infected by those who look different, or worship God differently; a politics of us versus them.
In other words, he’s saying that people aren’t entitled to their opinions. Who’s opinions should be allowed? Well, that’s easy to guess, is it not?
Crossed at Right Wing News.

For the left, only their opinions are allowed; democracy is inherently dangerous to the left.
I’m not one of the conspiracy theorists who claim that President Obama is going to find some excuse to declare martial law and cancel the 2016 elections, to remain in power for life, but if he could do it, he would . . . and the left would cheer him on, Jeffrey most loudly.
Oh noes! Obama lives in a house with walls and a fence and believes in the 2nd Amendment right to defend his home with guns! Oh noes!
In other words, you’re an idiot. In HIS words, “we see the fears of ordinary people being exploited through appeals to sectarianism, or tribalism, or racism, or anti-Semitism” – did you note the verb “exploited”? You ARE entitled to hate/fear illegals, niggers, thugs, fags, mooslims and commies. He was criticizing the far-right elite’s reliance (exploitation) of your fear to energize you to vote.
We get it. Far-rightists like yourselves are afraid. The world is changing. You hate change. You fear change. And if Donald Trump or Rafael Cruz can frighten you into voting with tales of illegals from Mooslimistan crossing into Texas intent on beheading you, it’s to the candidate’s advantage.
We all understand that you think Obama is a closeted gay, America-hating, commie, fascist, mooslim from Kenya intent on destroying white, Christian supremacy. That’s why he’s opened the borders to catholic Mexicans and now “mooslim Syrians”, to allow them to vote him in as El Presidente for Life/Grand Poobah and to make America the seat of the 12th Caliphate/North Mexico/New Russia. Where gay mooslims can marry and then be beheaded by other mooslims. And whities can fix the roofs and pick the strawberries. All while the gawdless commies in charge make you drive a Prius.
Note to self:
Lynching to attend at noon.
Protest at abortion clinic at 1.
After ‘happy hour’ there’s some queermos that need a curb stomping at the wedding chapel across the street.
Criticizing your stupid and harmful opinions is not disallowing them! We get it. You prefer to voice your crap without criticism. Who doesn’t? And of course normal people oppose most of your policy prescriptions that spring from your stupid opinions. You may have the opinion that cutting taxes on corporations and the wealthy and raising middle class taxes is smart policy, but it’s not. People will fight you and yours when you try to enact harmful policies. You can think and say all the stupid stuff you desire! Who knows, maybe then you too can run for president as a republican!
Yes, that’s why Dems fight for everyone to vote and Repugs fight to keep others from voting. We get it. You favor anarchy, but label it “democracy”. Clever girl. You favor right-wing/corporatist tyranny, but label it “democracy”.
Your false modesty is unbecoming! You ARE one of the conspiracy theorists, that’s why you keep repeating the claim.
With conservatives, always remember, “It’s always projection!” Conservatives would prefer a benign, white Christian dictator (even a fake one, like Trump) who would build a wall to keep Mexicans out, ban gay marriage and gays, ban all abortions, ban Islam, put negroes back in the place, cut government spending to nothing but defense, let the rich white guys run things, in other words, “Make America Great Again”, like in the late 1800s.
Democracy is messy and it’s no wonder that conservatives hate it, what with your simple bromides and bumper sticker brains. You long for 19th Century America where a white guy could catch a break, no matter how stupid he was. Where a white guy knew he was supreme and could be proud of it without criticism. Now, girls and negroes and Mexicans and gays have messed it up. They’ve ruined YOUR America, and YOU get criticized for calling them sluts, thugs, illegals and fags. And now.. and now.. YOUR pay hasn’t gone up since Reagan was elected! It ain’t fair, I tell you, it just ain’t fair… YOUR hard earned tax money going to give free stuff to sluts, lazy negroes and illegals.
We get it.
Jeffrey: “We get it.”
No, you don’t.
You wrote so much bullshit I won’t waste time rebutting it all.
“Democracy is messy and it’s no wonder that conservatives hate it. Speaking of hating democracy….Which party employed the “nuclear option” in the Senate?
Which party used the “Reconciliation Rule” to force Obamacare down our throats?
“…Dems fight for everyone to vote and Repugs [sic] fight to keep others from voting.”
Impressively stupid, even for you.
You favor illegals voting, felons voting and even dead people voting. Makes voter fraud easier. The only thing Repubs favor is Voter ID to ensure the integrity of our elections.
Still, you were doing pretty well for a while but then your inherent racism came through as it always does when you referred to our black neighbors and friends as “lazy negroes”.
You just can’t help yourself.
Don’t be hard on jeff. He is an adolescent and likely has a mental issue as well (schizophrenia). He really does live in another world and somewhere along the line a conservative had his way with him and did not pay, that made him mad so he makes up a bunch of stuff. I agree that he is one of the worst racist I have run across.
If you are to be believed (risky business with a conservative), you may be the only far-rightist NOT to think that much of our tax money goes to buy votes of Black folks, who according to far-rightists and even less far-rightists (Jeb Bush wrote about it in his book and Mitt Romney bragged about on video), live mainly to get free stuff.
Certainly, you’re familiar with that conservative meme, right? Liberals buy Black votes by giving them free stuff. Are you repudiating that meme?
Kudos for your progressive position in not blaming our Black brethren for the unbalanced budget. I apologize for misjudging you.
drowningpuppies typed:
Which shows two qualities I did not think he possessed:
Sense of humor
I’m genuinely impressed.
Easy, J. They have meds for conditions like yours. You keep mentioning “lazy negroes that want free stuff.” You didn’t read that here, nor could you ever back up what to say. Me thinks Jeffery is a closet racist.
I’ve misjudged both Hankm and you!
So you don’t believe that Black Americans take free stuff to vote for Dems!
It’s a common right wing meme denigrating Black people for not being smart enough to know for whom to vote. (and no, “denigrating” does not mean getting rid of Black guys)
I’m pleased that you emphatically reject that lie.
That’s great.
Why do you think Blacks overwhelmingly vote for Democrats?
So when I see buses of blacks brought to the polls by the Dems with money in their pockets, I guess that is not buying votes. When my black patients boast about how much they get, that is not believable. Maybe you should wake up and get some education and experience before you talk about things of which you have no knowledge.