September 10, 2015 – 9:24 am
Remember, most Warmists are members of the same party and belief set that says Government should stay out of all decisions when it comes to abortion, but wants the Green Police to monitor your carbon footprint Climate change: Track urban emissions on a human scale Cities need to understand and manage their carbon footprint at […]
September 10, 2015 – 7:15 am
No, not that record regarding her email shenanigans, what with the private server and sending/receiving confidential/sensitive/Secret material. The one where she supposedly Did Something (The Hill) Hillary Clinton’s Iran speech on Wednesday isn’t a one-time event timed for votes this week on Capitol Hill, the Democratic presidential candidate’s senior aides say. The speech, in which […]
September 9, 2015 – 2:53 pm
Straight out of the movie The Day After Tomorrow, yet another hyperventilating alarmist scary fable Climate change will destroy the planet’s circulatory system We can’t have the birds or the bees. We can’t have woolly mammoths. For the love of Gotye, even the red pandas are in danger. And if we keep releasing all these greenhouse gases […]
September 9, 2015 – 1:00 pm
…is a sea that can only rise because of man’s carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Jawa Report, with a post on jobs going to foreigners.
September 9, 2015 – 10:22 am
The latest unhinged scary fable from the Cult of Climastrology comes from Jonathan Chait The Sunniest Climate-Change StoryYOU’VE EVER READ This is the year humans finally got serious about saving themselves from themselves. Here on planet Earth, things could be going better. The rise in atmospheric temperatures from greenhouse gases poses the most dire threat […]
September 9, 2015 – 8:10 am
And she totally wants you to hear it from her! In a focus group, very legalistic sort of manner, posted to Facebook I wanted you to hear this directly from me: Yes, I should have used two email addresses, one for personal matters and one for my work at the State Department. Not doing so […]
September 9, 2015 – 7:45 am
Virtually every single poll on the Iran deal here in the U.S. finds it underwater, other than a U of Maryland poll, which seems to be a complete outlier. Quite often, the polls show an erosion of support for the deal, as well (Pew Research Center) As Congress prepares to vote on the Iran nuclear […]
September 8, 2015 – 5:13 pm
Bishop Hill finds something interesting Greenpeace are fond of telling us that the planet is going to fry because of our evil addiction to fossil fuels. How then to explain their submission to the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, which maintains a register of issues and potential problems with the nation’s nuclear waste repositories? The long-term effects […]
September 8, 2015 – 1:00 pm
…is an ocean that will rise hundreds of feet soonish, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Legal Insurrection, with a post noting Samantha Power backing the oppressor.
September 8, 2015 – 10:00 am
An interesting video, via NoTricksZone, highlighting the environmental destruction and scenery blight of wind farms A new video (below) has been produced by wind-energy protest group presenting a series of before-and-after photos that drive home the profound negative impacts wind parks are having on Germany’s idyllic landscapes and natural scenery. Here’s what it looks like