The scientists who wrote a letter to Obama and the Attorney General, suggesting that those who fail to follow the Cult of Climastrology’s official line be prosecuted under RICO statues, are in a peck of a bit of trouble.
(Daily Caller) The 20 climate scientists and academics who sent a letter to President Barack Obama asking him to prosecute global warming skeptics may be in big trouble.
A congressional committee is now looking into the government-backed nonprofit that circulated the letter, demanding they turn over “all e-mail, electronic documents, and data created since January 1, 2009.†The group has one week to respond in writing to the committee’s request.
The Institute of Global Environment and Society (IGES) “appears to be almost fully funded by taxpayer money while simultaneously participating in partisan political activity by requesting a RICO investigation of companies and organizations that disagree with the Obama administration on climate change,†Texas Republican Rep. Lamar Smith, chairman of the House science committee, wrote in a letter to IGES.
And it appears that those involved, particularly Jagadish Shukla, have been feeding at the taxpayer funded trough, hooking up family and friends, and producing almost no work for that roughly $63 million. Anthony Watts says this could be the biggest scientific scandal in US history.

Congress will investigate? Perhaps the GOP majority in Congress should investigate why they have approval ratings in the mid teens
When the Dems ran Congress they were much higher
The biggest scientific scandal in U.S. history will be the fraudulent temperature record. The fabricated surface temperature one that has +1.6C of adjustments and that is the basis for thousands of papers and media stories. The one where they regularly lower the temperatures of previous “hottest years on record” so that they can declare the current year the hottest.
I’m still waiting for Congress to investigate the fed’s gun running for mexican drug cartels, giving billions to private industries in actual subsidies, to congressmen also asking for punishment of people who believe in nature, for people killing babies for profit and getting tax dollars for it, for gov’t leaders freely giving out classified information, for EPA over-stepping their mandate and bounds of law….. among many other things.