All because you, dear reader, refuse to give up your fossil fueled travel to and from work, refuse to give up your ice-maker, refuse to buy local, and refuse to use just two squares of toilet paper. For shame!
Climate change will lead to food chain collapse across world’s oceans, study finds
CLIMATE change will lead to a complete food chain collapse across the world’s oceans, an Adelaide university study has found.
Increased ocean acidification and warming is set to reduce numbers of and diversity in key species underpinning ecosystems across the world, University of Adelaide associate professor Ivan Nagelkerken says.
He also says the warmer water will boost the metabolic rates of animals, increasing competition for less food.
“There will be a species collapse from the top of the food chain down,†Prof Nagelkerken said on Tuesday.He said this “simplification†of ocean ecosystems would have dire consequences for our way of life, particularly regions relying primarily on fishing.
So, complete and utter doom. This is what’s known as “responsible science” these days. Prognostications of the end of life as we know it, based on junk science.
Very few organisms are expected to be able to adjust to warmer waters and acidification, with the exception of microorganisms, which are expected to increase in number and diversity.
Interestingly, these same organisms have survived previous warm periods, many of which have been much warmer in the Holocene. They’ve survived cool periods and ice ages. This is all the worst kind of alarmism from the Cult of Climastrology. But, it is exactly what we have come to expect from them, as they continue to trot out scary story after scary story in an attempt to force far left political policy solutions on the world.
It bears repeating: satellite data shows an almost 19 years pause from RSS, and a statistically insignificant warming from others. We’ve seen a measly 1.4F increase in global temperatures since 1850. Nothing doomworthy about all this. The Cult’s computer models have been almost complete failures. Their talking points have failed to materialize. If this was a real science, they would have abandoned it long ago, after the utter failure of 30+ years of spreading awareness.

Wow! A lie in every sentence, breaking the odious jimhoft’s (The Gateway Pudendum) seemingly unbreakable record!! Kudos!
The Earth’ surface, oceans and atmosphere continue to warm, almost certainly from greenhouse gases generated by human activities. In addition, the pH of the oceans is dropping which, in concert with warming, may be causing the coral “bleaching” around the globe. There is nothing at all “measly” about a 1.4F mean global surface temperature increase, as this likely exceeds the mean at any other time during the Holocene (when human civilizations developed). And there is no reason to expect it the temperature increase to stop anytime soon. Atmospheric CO2 is greater than at any time in the past 0.5 million years, and this increase is from human activities.
The Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets are melting, as is Arctic sea ice. Deniers live to find short-term blips in the long-term trends (There was more Arctic ice in 2013 than 2012!! and It was warmer in 1998 than in 2008!!) or to further cherry-pick data (today embracing RSS while shunning UAH, NASA, HadCrut, Gistemp, Berkeley etc, solely because the outlier RSS gives them the answer the crave).
Conservatives fiddle while the Earth burns, worrying mostly about Muslims and Mexicans and protecting their benefactors.
As conservatives, it’s difficult for you to fathom that the God’s Earth can be threatened by our activities.
… almost certainly…, may be causing…,likely exceeds…, yada, yada…
Sorry if that offends you, but that’s the way scientists talk. “Will the Sun rise tomorrow?” “Almost certainly.”
It’s all just part of depending on evidence rather than ideology. You see reasoned doubt, e.g., only a 97% chance that CO2 is causing warming, as a flaw.
Ask a Christian if there’s a God and they’ll answer, “Yes!”.
Ask an agnostic and they’ll say, “It’s unlikely.”
Ask a right-winger if CO2 is causing the Earth to warm and they’ll say “No!”
Ask a climate scientist and they’ll say “Almost certainly, based on the overwhelming evidence”.
It’s called honesty.
Only fools and conservatives are always certain. Right-wing authoritarians value certainty over any other trait (although based on Teach’s posts, big boobs rank a close second). It’s why they favor dictators and force over negotiation and compromise.
Man, you laid it on there. That was one of your dumbest series of comments yet. Now, how in the world would you know how scientist talk? You don’t have a clue about science.
<strongSorry if that offends you
Another assumption on your part.
It’s called honesty.
You sound certain.
“The Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets are melting…” Which proves nothing, as they’ve melted in the past. “Conservatives fiddle while earth burns.” Wow-Is it burning? Where? Actually, Conservatives look at the data while cult members post drama queen rantings. “The ph of the oceans is dropping..” So you ‘re sure we have all the ocean surface covered as far as ph testing, or for that matter, warming, to report these allegedly minute changes? No, we don’t. “Only fools and Conservatives are always certain.” Well, then the fools must be the climate astrologers, because they are always certain of impending doom, even though it’s always conveniently in the future. Only a fool would whine that he thinks Conservatives are certain of things all the while proclaiming that his cult is “certain” that the science is settled. Now, who would that be? Thanks for the laugh, J.