It’s like everything has been fixed. There’s no strife in the Middle East, Palestinians are stabbing and shooting Jews for the next Intifada. A US military jet was hit in Afghanistan. Obamacare coops aren’t melting down. Russia isn’t in Syria. Iran isn’t breaking the deal already. ISIS isn’t attacking the US power grid. Everything is lollipops and unicorns!
(USA Today) It’s a science kind of Monday for President Obama, who hosts one event on climate change and another on astronomy.
In the morning, Obama meets with a group of CEOs “to discuss efforts to tackle climate change both in the United States as well as on a global scale,” says the White House schedule.
The discussion includes new technologies that can reduce carbon pollution. The meeting is also part of Obama’s ongoing campaign to build support for a global climate change agreement.
Hmm, so, all these CEOs are going to take fossil fueled travel to discuss something that doesn’t exist (there’s no such thing as carbon pollution in context).
(VOA) Â From Coca-Cola to Nike, more global companies are pledging to take steps to reduce emissions and increase clean energy use in order to fight climate change.
The White House announced Monday that 68 additional companies have signed on to the administration’sAmerican Business Act on Climate Pledge, bringing the total to 81 since July when the pledge was launched.
Nike has pledged to reach 100 percent renewable energy in its owned or operated facilities by 2025. Other companies like Sony say they will reduce the annual energy consumption of their products.
So, when the costs for products from these companies spikes, you’ll know why.
PS: I actually wrote most of this post in the am, forgot to hit publish at 1030, and see that Twitchy has some interesting Tweets on the subject, such as
@markknoller Umm, with total debt the gov't owes at around $18T, up 70% under Obama, not sure @POTUS is the "go to" expert on bottom lines.
— America Matters (@Kun_Tzu) October 19, 2015

Coca-Cola will no longer carbonate their drinks.