How about a new term: Unintentional Deniers. They are people who say they believe in anthropogenic global warming/climate change, but fail to do more than take token steps to make their own lives carbon neutral. This would especially apply to people like John Kerry, who live high on the hog, use tons of energy, don’t eat local, and use lots and lots of fossil fuels. People who are total climahypocrites
Kerry: Climate Deniers Should Be Disqualified From High Public Service
Climate change deniers do not deserve to serve in high public office, Secretary of State John Kerry said at the kickoff of his Climate and Clean Energy Investment Forum in Washington on Wednesday. (snip)
“And to suggest that when more than 6,000-plus peer-reviewed studies of the world’s best scientists all lay out that this is happening and mankind is contributing to it, it seems to me that they disqualify themselves fundamentally from high public office with those kinds of statements,†he said.
Seems like Kerry wants to apply a religious test as to whom is qualified, which, last time I checked, was against the Constitution. This is what the far Left does, though: refuse to allow any dissension from their cultish doctrine.

One wonders: what was the esteemed Mr Kerry’s position when Ben Carson said that no Muslim should be elected President?
Teach fid you also expect Divk Cheney to personally go to war in Iraq?
Did you immediately walk the walk and enlist. After 9/11?
Thankfully, no one takes John Kerry seriously, except for John Kerry.
The man is an idiot.
jon carry has been betraying the USA for past 50 years. Traitors should not be in high office — Resign jon carry.
It’s actually a “willful ignorance” test, not a religious test.
But Kerry is just being foolish. He might as well propose to disqualify all Republicans from public office.
Of course the idiot doesn’t see the extreme hypocrisy in his beliefs. Amazingly stupid. This man from a party forever whining about “voter disenfranchisement”, or “voter intimidation” now takes that mantra and increases it tenfold to excluding certain people from elected office, even if they were….elected. Right now I’m giving him my best “Sieg Heil” salute.
Calm down, perennially offended children. Kerry said they “disqualify themselves” with their willful ignorance.
“And to suggest that when more than 6,000-plus peer-reviewed studies of the world’s best scientists all lay out that this is happening and mankind is contributing to it, it seems to me that they disqualify themselves fundamentally from high public office with those kinds of statements,†he said.
He’s making the point that global warming Denialism is like believing the moon is made of cheese or that the stars are painted on the inside of a giant black sphere.
On your “peer” review articles, you are aware that there are over 100,000 “peer” review articles on cholesterol and how bad it is. In fact there are thousands of trials and other scientific efforts on cholesterol. Yet, it is now found that cholesterol has nothing to do with any known disease state. The government was even trying to require us to eat low cholesterol diets for 50 years. Yet, we knew at the time that was proposed and know now for sure that low cholesterol diets make you sick. Now, you will even find the lipidologist still advocating the false mantra of treating cholesterol, but their voices are much weaker and about to be gone. This is the same “science” and “peer” review process as we see in the climate religion.