After the cold blooded killing of Kate Steinle by a 6 time deported illegal alien who’d been convicted of multiple felonies, many on the Left were quick to tell us that sanctuary cities just don’t exist, and, even if they do, they’re totally safer, and not the problem, dagnabit!
- CNN blatantly lies to America, claiming there are no ‘sanctuary cities’
- Actually, Sanctuary Cities Are Safer
- ‘Sanctuary cities’ are not the problem
- California killing not about ‘sanctuary cities’
- Exploding the Myth of Sanctuary Cities
Yes, they do exist
(AP) San Francisco supervisors vigorously reaffirmed the city’s status as a sanctuary city on Tuesday, nearly four months after a woman was killed by a Mexican national who had been released from jail despite federal requests to detain him for deportation proceedings.
The Board of Supervisors unanimously approved a resolution urging the sheriff not to participate in a detainer-notification system that asks jails to let Immigration Customs and Enforcement officials know when an inmate of interest is being released.
The action sent a strong but symbolic message to critics who had lambasted San Francisco after the July 1 waterfront shooting of 32-year-old Kate Steinle.
What is that message? It seems to be “to hell with the safety of legal residents of the United States, we’re protecting those who are in the country illegally and may also be felons”.
“All of us in this room agree that the death of Kathryn Steinle was senseless and tragic, but what many of us disagree on is the role — if any — that San Francisco’s existing sanctuary and due-process-for-all” ordinances played in the event, Supervisor Malia Cohen said to cheers from the crowd that gathered for the meeting.
Supervisors said they wouldn’t let hateful commentary undermine a long-standing policy that improves public safety and embraces immigrants.
So, if you dare speak out against a city being a magnet for illegal aliens, many of them dangerous felons, you’re “hateful”.
Public safety? San Francisco is rated as a 3, meaning it’s safer than just 3 percent of US cities. The violent crime rate is 8.64, compared to the national median of 3.8 and California media on 4.02. Robbery and assault are well above the national median. Property crime is also double the national median, with theft and motor vehicle theft well above double the national median. Can all this be blamed on illegal aliens? Of course not. But, being a magnet for illegals surely does not help public safety.
Crossed at Right Wing News.