At least in terms of economics, which is interesting, considering that they also want to control economies via far left Progressive (nice fascism) policies. Here’s CBS News in climaventilation mode
Global warming spells trouble for world economy
With each upward degree, global warming will singe the economies of three-quarters of the world’s nations and widen the north-south gap between rich and poor countries, according to a new economic and science study.
Compared to what it would be without more global warming, the average global income will shrivel 23 percent at the end of the century if heat-trapping carbon dioxide pollution continues to grow at its current trajectory, according to a study published Wednesday in the scientific journal Nature.
There’s the humorous, and unscientific, labeling of CO2 as “pollution”. I’m going to skip the rest of the silliness and go straight to the temperature
Lead author Marshall Burke of Stanford and Hsiang examined 50 years of economic data in 160 countries and even county-by-county data in the United States and found what Burke called “the goldilocks zone in global temperature at which humans are good at producing stuff” – an annual temperature of around 13 degrees Celsius or 55.4 degrees Fahrenheit, give or take a degree.
And there you go. But….
The 20th-century global average annual temperature is 57 degrees, or 13.9 degrees Celsius, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Last year – the hottest on record – was 58.24 degrees and this year is almost certain to break that record, according to NOAA. Burke and Hsiang use different population-weighted temperature figures than NOAA calculates.
Well, that’s weird. Unsurprising, the study authors have all sorts of Excuses.
Erik Worrell has a piece up at Watts Up With That? tearing the foolish study up. But, hey, we finally were provided with an optimal temperature from the Cult of Climastrology.

Of course if you are a rich white American with no kids than probably climate change isn’t really all that important to you personally
John, seems to me that if you’re a struggling average any-color person trying to get by in a bad neighborhood, poor country, anywhere really, the lie of climate change isn’t that important.
If, however, you’re a well off liberal SJW who’s essentially immune from the effects of rising energy costs, rising food prices, things like that, then climate change is just what you need to assuage the inherent liberal guilt you feel. You know, kinda like driving a Prius.
or voting for 0bama…. twice.