Every single one who was arrested should be immediately deported
(WRAL) More than 100 people rallied Thursday afternoon outside the Governor’s Mansion, including some who blocked the street in front of the building, in response to Gov. Pat McCrory’s decision to sign into law a proposal that prohibits any North Carolina county or municipality from restricting local law enforcement’s ability to cooperate with federal immigration officials.
House Bill 318, dubbed the Protect North Carolina Workers Act, also requires state and local government agencies to use the E-Verify system to check the legal status of job applicants and contractors, bars government agencies or law enforcement from using consular or embassy documents to verify someone’s identity or residence and limits food assistance for able-bodied, childless adults who are unemployed.
Six people were arrested after chaining themselves together and sitting in the middle of Blount Street, forcing Raleigh police to divert traffic for more than two hours. A band played music, and crowds on the sidewalk chanted, “Let’s stop the hate. We make America great,” and “We pay taxes too.”
Six were arrested, all with Latino names.
“The immigrant community is waking up,†said Maria Carmen Rodriguez, an undocumented mother of three who has lived and worked in Raleigh for over 10 years. “We are losing our fear to raise our voices and confront this racism, face to face.â€
She should be deported immediately. If these illegals knew there would be consequences for their illegal actions, they might think twice.

“Raise our voice and confront this racism..” Typical drama queen- making cities uphold federal law is “racism”.
The Open Borders crowd says we can’t deport 12 million illegals*, it would take too long. The Obama admin claims to have deported half a million just last year. Close the border and simply don’t do any more than we’re doing now and the problem is solved in a generation.
Personally, I don’t know that we need to deport everyone, but we certainly need to document them and deport the undesirables and keep them deported, unlike that sweet chap who shot Kate Steinle in San Francisco.
*How do you eat an elephant?
One bite at a time.
Every time someone says we can’t possibly deport 12 million people I just say “why not.” But, my favorite is when a leftist asks if I know how much that would cost, as if they’ve ever given a shit how much anything costs.
Same with tax cuts. Liberals care what a tax cut would “cost” the government (using static scoring), but never care what their new programs cost the taxpayer. Ask Bernie Sanders. $18 Trillion and counting!
Change is very difficult for conservatives to accept.
So Teach when/if that mother of 3 is deported are you willing to foster care the 3 kids?
Is the deportation of the mother part of the GOP “Family Values” program?
Any other posters here willing to take care of those 3 kids? For the 3 kids you would be receiving about 2000$ per month which would total cost about 300,000 total until they reached 18 years.
That would be the cost of deporting that mother who now supports and takes care of them.
Mike how would you feel about paying 300 grand to put those 3 America kids into foster care?
Somehow john thinks that people should benefit from their illegal actions.
The second argument is that john thinks that deporting the mother means the federal government kidnaps the children and forces them to remain in the US. Somehow he thinks the mother can’t take the children back to her country where the children are already citizens.
Tell me john, why would the US want someone in their borders who would so callously abandon their children? Is that your sense of morals? That a mother should walk away from her children without trying to keep them near her?
Clearly you don’t care about the mother or the kids. You, like many liberals, see minorities as political pawns to be kept as indentured servants or slaves. The party of slavery has not strayed from its roots when it comes to this issue.
You don’t need to deport a single illegal. All you have to do is follow the law, that is, prosecute the people that aid these folks and give them jobs. Consider what would happen if one high ranking CEO was put in jail for 20 years, there would no longer be any illegals in the US. Add in eliminating social benefits and the problem is solved.
The woman is free to take her children with her, that is unless her home country has immigration laws that it enforces, in which case we need to turn our wrath on them. For that matter, Mexico has some of the harshest of immigration laws and no one condemns them, why is that John?
john — I’m a strong believer in family reunification and families staying together from the get-go. That’s why I’m willing to send all of them back together.
Have the RWNJs, who are now considering, “Why CAN’T we deport 12 millions residents?”, thought this one through?
Can someone being forcibly deported take anyone they want with them? Does the US arrange and pay for transportation for her 5 young children, all American citizens? By what authority? What if she doesn’t want to take them back to El Salvador with her?
What if the mother makes the ultimate sacrifice, and for the good of her children, wants them to stay in the US, even as she is thrown out of the country? They’re American citizens and are certainly no more harmful to the nation than Rush Limbaugh or Donald Trump. Clearly, it’s that pesky Constitution that needs to be changed. The RWNJs need a good test case and see if they can get Justice Kennedy to rule in their favor, gutting the 14th Amendment.
Then you’d be able to load those dirty Mexican rapists and criminals (although some of them might be good people) into boxcars and ship them out.
With conservatives, never, ever, ever forget: It’s always projection. Want to know what a conservative “thinks”? Just read what they claim a liberal thinks. You can’t go wrong.
In conserva-“think”, tossing residents out of the country, even their US citizen children, is kind and humane, while working to find a solution to “legalizing” their status to be fully functioning residents is “slavery”. Only in conservaland.
It’s always projection.
Poor Jeffery….. once again showing that he cannot read or comprehend anything about the level of a 6 year old.
It is quite simple Jeffery.
John set up a false set of choices like he always does. No one is holding the children here if the mother is deported. She can take the children back with her to her native country where the children would be citizens as well.
You and John think that the state would step in and seize the children from the mother.
You’d want the state to steal the kids from their mother.
So once again we see that dishonest, discredited and odious Jeffery has tried to smear others based on his lack of comprehension to basic issues.
With liberals, never, ever, ever forget they get things bass-ackwards, even projecting their projection onto conservatives. Bless their hearts!
Since when have liberals cared about children? They are the ones who
-have created a society where children are dressed as hookers and strippers for Halloween.
-support NAMBLA.
-are trying to mainstream pedophilia.
-have worked hard to destroy the American family
-have left millions of Black kids in Democratic Party run cities in abject poverty and violence
-made sure 3rd world nations would not use DDT, which saves millions of children’s lives a year
-turn a blind eye to the plight of young girls in Muslim society/nations
-turn young kids into gender-benders, when the kids have no idea what’s going on
-are the ones which get kids suspended/arrested for making guns with fingers and pop-tarts
The list could go on and on.
-support NAMBLA.
-are trying to mainstream pedophilia.
Teach, you have stop arousing lil’ jeffy!
guttercreeper, suckingpuppies and William Teach: Three sick, lying, ignorant scheissebags.
– I have never seen children dressed as hookers and strippers at Halloween. Maybe the problem is you, you sick maladjusted pervert.
Name the liberals who support NAMBLA, you sick f@ck.
Name the liberals trying to mainstream pedophilia, you lying sack of scheisse.
Just more projection you sad man.
Your latest meme, you ignorant car salesman.
Just not true, you factless fuct.
Nonsense, you nattering nabob of negativity. What have you and your ilk done to help? Has the House passed a bill or resolution?
Silly nonsense, you desperate, bended gender you. You’re the one with the aging lesbian’s picture as your own.
The flaw in what you probably believe is “thinking”, is that you presume that every act with which you disagree is perpetrated by liberals, you creepy tautologizer you.
The ignorance and dishonesty of the American far-right is frightening.
You’ve become unmoored. You assume the mother will take her children once she is forcibly removed from the US. You presume the American government would deport the children (American citizens) with the illegal resident mother. If you somehow succeed in enacting a policy where the children must be deported with their mother, you will need to change our Constitution.
In any event, decent Americans will not stand for the far-right trying to deport 12 million residents and breaking up families.
So, suck it you smarmy arse.
J-“Clearly, that pesky Constitution needs to be changed…see if they can get Justice Kennedy to gut the 14th amendment.” Not so, J. The 14th amendment never covered all who were born here till later. Those living in tribes on reservations were not considered citizens until the passage of the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924. And you think it’s only Republicans who want to do this? In 1993 Sen. Harry Reid, D. Nev., introduced legislation that would grant birthright citizenship to only the children of U.S. citizens and legally resident aliens, and similar legislation has been introduced in every congress since.
It is so fun to watch liberals like Jeffery lash out when their positions are shown to be false.
Oh well, new besides being dishonest, discredited and odious, we can add “illiterate” to Jeffery’s long list or attributes.
I’ll try this again Jeffery because it seems that you are the only one who can’t understand this basic reasoning. (Well, maybe john can’t understand it, but he is probably still trying to find were Selma, AL is.)
John’s basic premise is that if the single, illegal alien mother is deported, the government will not only have to support the kids, but will also be responsible for ripping apart families.
Of course, what you and john don’t get is that the mother can take the children with her when she is deported back to her native country, It is therefore not the government or heartless conservatives that are “ripping the family apart.” It is the choice of the mother to do so.
But people like you and john want the government to take the kids. You want to use the kids as props to support the mother’s illegal actions. You want the kids to become wards and slaves of the state because you hate immigrants, you hate minorities and belong to the party that supported slavery.
BTW – how’s your wife? You remember her…the one you called in this forum “delusional?”
I am sure that you will try some other rand which will serve only to expose your ignorance and your dishonesty even more.
gutter cleaner,
This “forum”, LOL.