Monthly Archives: October 2015

Just In Time For Halloween, DOE Links Pumpkins To ‘Climate Change’

The DOE apparently has nothing better to do (Washington Times) How scary are your jack-o’-lanterns? Scarier than you think, according to the Energy Department, which claims the holiday squash is responsible for unleashing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Most of the 1.3 billion pounds of pumpkins produced in the U.S. end up in the trash, […]

If All You See…

…is a native American costume that’s certainly racist, and racism is caused by climate change, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Climate Scepticism, new to the feedreader, with a post wondering why the damage from Hurricane Patricia was so small.

NC Governor McCrory Signs Bill Outlawing Sanctuary Cities

This has, as you can imagine, made the people who support the lawless activities of illegal immigrants angry. Or, should I say, angrier, because Leftists seem to be perpetually angry/offended/outraged (WRAL) Gov. Pat McCrory on Wednesday signed into law a measure that prohibits any North Carolina county or municipality from restricting local law enforcement’s ability […]

Winners And Losers From The GOP Debate

The biggest loser? CNBC. They have been roundly criticized for their absurd questions. Here’s a bit of Ted Cruz on the subject “Let me say something at the outset,” the Senator from Texas said. “The questions asked in this debate illustrate why the American people don’t trust the media.” “This is not a cage match. […]

Surprise? NOAA Refuses To Comply With Subpoena Over Climate Documents

Remember when Democratic lawmakers demanded documents from Skeptics who work for universities and private organizations in a witch hunt for daring to disagree with the Cult of Climastrology and there was no outrage from Leftists and other Democrats? Democrats are now fully on board with their Outrage over subpoenaing material from NOAA, and NOAA knows […]

Al Gore: All The Climate Scientists Predictions Have Come True!!!!!!

No, really (Politico) POLITICO’s Michael Grunwald recently sat down with Al Gore in Miami during a training conference for the newest version of his climate-change slide show. The following is a transcript of their conversation. MG: It was amazing seeing your slide show nine years later. It seems like the biggest difference is: There’s tons of proof and […]

If All You See…

…is the Grim Reaper come to kill all life on the planet because Someone Else refused to buy local, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Daley Gator, with a post on yet another upstanding Dreamer.

Obama Looks To Use Poop As Energy Source

There’s a joke hiding in that headline that I’m really not sure what to do with (Washington Examiner) President Obama is turning to poop as his latest gambit to fight global warming. The White House is announcing $6 million in grants Monday to promote the use of a mix of garbage and/or animal feces to […]

Greenland’s Melting Glaciers Is Totally Terrifying Or Something

Remember the old saying about “liberalism being a mental disease”? What about for the Cult Of Climastrology? It seems that their mental disease is self imposed, as they have constant mental breakdowns over a minuscule bit of warming, just a shade over 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit over a 165 year period of time, warming that is […]

Amish Man With No Photo ID Suing Over Denial Of Gun Permit

Well, now, this is an interesting case, and brings up a different issue (Daily Caller) An Amish man filed a federal suit in Pennsylvania last week because he was not allowed to purchase a gun without proper photo identification, according to The Washington Post. In the Amish tradition, practicing members cannot have their photo taken. According […]

Pirate's Cove