October 25, 2015 – 9:57 am
Happy Sunday! A great day in America, a bit of Fall in the air. This pinup is by Haddon Sundblom, with a wee bit of help. What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15 Noisy Room notes the FBI director saying it would be tough to weed out terrorists from migrants Independent Sentinel […]
October 25, 2015 – 8:33 am
Just the very name alone should provide the clue that this whole ‘climate change’ push is about far left political policies, not science (CFACT) Negotiators at the UN climate talks in Bonn, Germany resurrected the “International Tribunal of Climate Justice†and inserted it into the text they are preparing for nations to agree to at […]
October 24, 2015 – 4:15 pm
The Cult of Climastrology reminds me of the whole Mayan apocalypse freakout, or Y2K, where we were constantly told of Doom, doom that never materialized. But, some people sure had a fun time predicting doom and making money off of it Stop telling the public we’re not doomed, says climate change scientist We all know […]
October 24, 2015 – 1:00 pm
…is an evil fossil fueled machine, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Raised On Hoecakes, with a post on lying. Let’s start the Halloween IAYS a day early, yes?
October 24, 2015 – 8:18 am
It’s been 10 years since the last major (category 3 or stronger) hurricane made landfall on the United States. Wilma, a category 3, made landfall on October 24th, 2005, in Cape Romano, Florida. Since then, not one major hurricane, a record that blows away the longest period of no major hurricanes in US history, which […]
October 24, 2015 – 7:31 am
Let’s face it, Hillary, Obama, and the Democratic Party wanted to run the clock out on the Benghazi attacks. They’ve slow-walked information, juked and jived, and, 3 years later, the American People really do not care that much about the attack anymore. It’s old news to them, there wasn’t really anything hugely new about the […]
October 24, 2015 – 7:11 am
Well, what they, like many other leftist news outlets, are upset about is that the illegal aliens in question were “profiled”. Nowhere within this piece by the NY Times Editorial Board do they mention that the two men in question were illegally in the country Wrongly Profiled and Deported The Obama administration likes to say […]
October 23, 2015 – 3:12 pm
I was planning on ignoring the idiocy on Twitter linking Patricia with ‘climate change’, which are runnign rampant (not as much as used to happen, though), but, then I go bored waiting for an appointment, checked Drudge, and saw this Mexican plea for climate consensus as hurricane nears Mexico’s climate negotiator issued a tearful plea […]
October 23, 2015 – 1:00 pm
…is an evil fossil fueled machine, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on trans-everything.
October 23, 2015 – 9:54 am
The post from Exxon speaks for itself When it comes to climate change, read the documents Read the documents. Go ahead, you really should. Read the documents on the InsideClimate News site purportedly provingsome conspiracy on ExxonMobil’s part to hide our climate science findings. In case you need help finding them, the link to the documents on theInsideClimate […]