Monthly Archives: October 2015

Washington Post: “Democratic Candidates Vowed To Toughen Restrictions On Gun Owners”

Democrats and their enablers/supporters/defenders in the media constantly tell us that they do not want to restrict lawful gun owner’s Rights, they just want to stop shootings and keep guns out of the hands of criminals. Here’s a big Kinsley gaffe After years of hesitation, Democrats rally around calls for gun control The Democratic presidential […]

Cult Of Climastrology Attempts To Take Scalp Of French Weatherman For Dissent

Remember when dissent was patriotic? Dissent against the State approved doctrine of Anthropogenic Climate Change (ACC)? Well, if they can’t get you on RICO charges (or throw you in jail, hang you, stab you with an icicle, etc), they’ll just attempt to get you fired (UK Telegraph) Every night, France’s chief weatherman has told the […]

If All You See…

…is a wonderful greenspace in the middle of a wonder Progressive urban area, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Blazing Cat Fur, with a post on those wacky moderate Muslims in Indonesia.

Bummer: Hotcoldwetdry Could Maybe Possibly Knock Internet Offline

Once again, Warmists just can’t help themselves. Flooding the system: Climate change could knock the Internet offline (Yammering about losing contact during Hurricane Katrina) The Internet may not be a true necessity like food or shelter, but Brown’s story illustrates how important a decent connection is in the event of a disaster. While the global […]

People Who Took Fossil Fueled Trips To Vegas Yammer On About “Climate Change”

Say, I wonder what the carbon footprint is for a presidential campaign? Hillary’s aides said her campaign will be carbon neutral. Not by actually doing anything, of course. They’re going to have carbon offsets. They just won’t say how. Anyway, the Dem debate featured a whopping 22 mentions of “climate”, per the Washington Post transcript. […]

USA Today Offers Advice On How To Make Bernie Sanders And Socialism Less Scary

Did you know that the “S” word, Socialism, is scary to Americans? Which makes Democratic Party presidential candidate scary! Somehow, this whole article is in the news section of USA Today, rather than the opinion section (USA Today) If Bernie Sanders were to win the Democratic presidential nomination, his chances of actually making it to […]

New Scary Fable: “Climate Change Threatens Vital “Biocrust””

You know that the latest UN IPCC working vacation is coming soon when the number of bat guano hysteria fables increase above normal. Here’s another Scientists have a new worry about a special group of organisms that protects soil on the Colorado Plateau. They’re called “biocrusts,” and they’re easily destroyed when trampled—but new research shows […]

If All You See…

…is an evil big sugary drink contributing to climate change, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Lonely Conservative, with a post on how the EPA puts your tax dollars to work.

Backrunner Lindsay Graham Challenges Republicans To Tell Him Why They Don’t Back Hotcoldwetdry

Senator Lindsay Graham has made Soros funded Climate Progress very happy Lindsey Graham Challenges Republicans: ‘Tell Me Why’ You Deny Climate Science Today, during a convention in New Hampshire hosted by the bipartisan group No Labels, Republican presidential candidate Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) took a moment to differentiate himself from the rest of the GOP field by talking […]

Bummer: “Climate Change” Will Lead To Total Collapse Of Ocean’s Food Chains

All because you, dear reader, refuse to give up your fossil fueled travel to and from work, refuse to give up your ice-maker, refuse to buy local, and refuse to use just two squares of toilet paper. For shame! Climate change will lead to food chain collapse across world’s oceans, study finds CLIMATE change will […]

Pirate's Cove