Is there anything Hotcoldwetdry isn’t affecting? Well, in the minds of 1st World hysterics, of course. And, no, this isn’t a satire piece
(Racked) Climate change may be slowing eroding our planet and damaging ecosystems around the Earth, but the New York Times has got its finger on where this issue really hits home: our closets. In a weird, tone-deaf report from the Styles section, the paper profiles woeful New Yorkers who have had to leave their Burberry capes at home due to unseasonably warm weather this year, pointing to them as examples of where climate change really hits home.
“Yes, there are fears that Greenland is melting away,” a teaser for the article reads. “But for some, the impact of climate change is more personal and more immediate: Will they ever get to wear their winter clothes again?”