Study Says Stopping Hotcoldwetdry Will Be Nearly Impossible Unless We Mostly Give Up Eating Meat

Some say that it will be impossible to stop ‘climate change’ unless we have a big worldwide carbon tax. Others say we can’t stop it without a $100 billion slush fund to give to 3rd world sh*tholes, er, developing nations. Then there’s this one, written by Goji Berry, Chief Happiness Officer.

(One Green Planet)Although I love hoomans, the fact is that they’re not the most subtle creatures on the planet. They take up more space than anybody else and they dictate what the rest of us do. It seems like everything people do has a massive impact on the planet – I mean, there are billions and billions of them and they all mostly like and do the same things … so it kind of figures that all that adds up. One of the HUGEST things that all people do that impacts the planets, though, is their eating habits.

Sure, I get having a nice snack every now and then … but humans LOVE their cheeseburgers, and steaks, and bacon. And all of that love for meat and dairy and other animal products equates to a massive strain on the environment. According to the smart people at the FAO, animal agriculture is responsible for 14.5 percent of global greenhouse gases – that’s more than all the emissions for cars, trains, and airplanes.

If you haven’t figured it out, Goji is a dog, hence the strange writing. Not complaining, it is interesting.

A new study from Chatham House, an international think-tank of smarties, came out pointing to the fact that the only way we can hope to curb climate change is to stop eating so much meat. Given the fact that meat production uses over 70 percent of the world’s water resources, around half of the planet’s land is dedicated to either growing animal food or grazing the animals themselves …

The Chatham House study went so far as to assert that if we don’t all make a concerted effort to but down on our meat consumption that it will be impossible to slow the progress of climate change. Seriously people, get with the program. You’re wasting precious natural resources and releasing more harmful chemicals into the environment than ever before … but still one in eight people go hungry.

Well, there you go, Warmists. You have your marching orders. Stop eating meat. Because if you don’t, the planet is doomed! Show us the way.

This is exactly the kind of nutty, over-the-top, bat guano crazy pronouncement from the Cult of Climastrology that makes the tepid believers in anthropogenic climate change tune out.

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