But, hey, we can totally trust Iran to uphold the provisions of the deal Mr. Obama struck with them. Even though it has no force of law
(Fox News) Iran has carried out a new medium range ballistic missile test in breach of two United Nations Security Council resolutions, a senior U.S. official told Fox News on Monday.
Western intelligence says the test was held Nov. 21 near Chabahar, a port city in southeast Iran’s Sistan and Baluchestan Province near the border with Pakistan.  The launch took place from a known missile test site along the Gulf of Oman.
The missile, known as a Ghadr-110, has a range of 1,800 – 2000 km, or 1200 miles, and is capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. The missile fired in November is an improved version of the Shahab 3, and is similar to the precision guided missile tested by Iran on Oct. 10, which elicited strong condemnation from members of the U.N. Security Council.
“The United States is deeply concerned about Iran’s recent ballistic missile launch,” Samantha Power, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., said in a statement after the last Iranian ballistic missile test in October.
Thank goodness, the Obama admin is “deeply concerned”. Perhaps it’s time for a new hashtag or a strongly worded letter on a Hallmark card.
Then there’s this
White House backs closing UN probe into Iran’s nuclear program, ushering in end of sanctions as early as next month https://t.co/8xunI7OBlJ
— The Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) December 8, 2015

Isn’t it about time for another UN resolution condemning Israel?
This misslehas been around since 2008
The in resolution. Prohibits. Testing missles designed. For nuclear bomb delivery
Iran says this is not designed for that purpose
But how could they? Our Dear Leader said everything would be ok.