This one’s a hoot from Climate Change Dispatch’s Jonathan DuHamel
Welcome to a new geologic era – the Idiocene
A new era, the Idiocene, is a time when common sense exited the planet. It is characterized by a fear of global warming. Individuals, organizations, and governments are under the thrall of this bogeyman.
President Obama has declared that global warming is much more dangerous than radical Islamic terrorism. States and countries are eschewing inexpensive, abundant energy sources in favor of unreliable, expensive, allegedly “green†energy sources. It is a time of silliness and hypocrisy – with many unintended consequences.
On December 5, 2015, at the Paris Climate Charade, about 178 countries signed an agreement to cut CO2 emissions with the goal of keeping future global warming below 2 degrees Celsius.
This U.N. deal is based on voluntary participation and is virtually unenforceable. It features voluntary emission caps, voluntary progress reviews, no international oversight of any voluntary progress, and voluntary contributions to the U.N. managed slush Fund to mitigate climate change.
Definitely read the rest, which proves the Idiocene (yes, I will steal employ the use of the word as we do on the ‘net) with ends by noting “The term “Idiocene†was coined by the Carbon Sense Coalition, see their graphic here.”
Graphic under the fold

It’s not the dumbest thing posted by the carbon-worshiping cult, the Carbon Sense Coalition.
“The biggest long term threat to abundant life on Earth is natural carbon sequestration, especially during the recurring cold dry eras when cooling oceans absorb huge amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and growing ice sheets capture most of its water.“
But naming an “Era” with the -cene suffix violates convention. Perhaps the “geniuses” there meant “Epoch”, like the Holocene, Pleistocene, Pliocene… but were either too uneducated to understand or too lazy to look it up.
When I first saw the phrase I figured they were referring to the conservative dominated processes in the US. The Idiocene epoch when our idiocracy flourished!