The Washington Post’s Editorial Board, which features members who live in neighborhoods which will never see placement of even small numbers of these “Syrian” refugees, is in high dudgeon over the growing rejection of the refugees in Europe
Europe cannot allow xenophobia to overpower its response to refugees
CHANCELLOR ANGELA Merkel of Germany walks a very narrow tightrope in managing the gravest crisis to hit Europe in years. As more than 1 million refugees from Syria and North Africa streamed into Germany in 2015, Ms. Merkel was firm in her resolve to welcome them. “It is important not to follow those who, with coldness or even hate in their hearts, want to claim Germanness solely for themselves and exclude others,†she said in her year-end address.
Ms. Merkel’s instincts have been right, both as a humanitarian response to the tide of misery and as an opportunity to build a stronger Germany. But she faces deep and serious unease in her own political camp over the influx…
Can someone explain how allowing hundreds of thousands of people who do not speak the language, have few to no skills, and have completely different cultural standards into a country will “build a stronger Germany”? Sure, many may assimilate, but, many won’t, as witnessed by the large number of Muslim communities throughout Europe which gather together in enclaves and live lives completely different from the norms and culture of their host country. There’s little assimilation. They demand that their host country allow them to practice their own laws and customs, which are often in violation and direct contradiction of the laws.
That’s how we end up with the Rotherham rape epidemic.
The WPEB also notes the rising “xenophobia” in Sweden, which is one of the most Progressive/Socialist country’s in Europe, and how they have supposedly shut their borders, which all leads to
However, Germany, Sweden and all Europe should not succumb to rising xenophobia. As long as the Syrian civil war continues, the refugees will keep coming, and European nations cannot seal themselves off. Nor should the United States, which has been deficient in welcoming refugees from Syria. The only way to truly stop the tide is to stop the war. That should be the focus of European and U.S. policymakers in 2016.
Let’s look at a few headlines, shall we?
- Asylum Shelters in Germany Struggle with Violence
- More than 200 refugees from Syria and Afghanistan clash repeatedly in German asylum centre
- Violence getting ‘out of hand’ at German refugee centres
- Domestic Violence On the Rise Among Syrian Refugees
- Report exposes rampant sexual violence in refugee camps
- Case against ‘Syrian refugees’ accused of gang raping teenage girl descends into chaos as they argue and wail in the dock
- Schools in Germany order girls to cover up to avoid being attacked by Muslim refugees
- Muslim Refugee Rapes 10 Year-Old Girl In Minneapolis
I could continue on for quite a bit, however, you get the point. Norway is holding classes, which are sadly voluntary, on how to treat women and not rape them. Citizens across Europe in some communities are seeing vast amounts of these refugees placed in their towns. In some cases, the refugees outnumber the original members of the towns, and bring violence, rape, theft, and trash.
Perhaps the people Speaking from their high and mighty towers would be willing to accept these refugees in their own neighborhoods? Yeah, we know they won’t.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

Sometimes doing the right thing, the humane thing, some might say the Christian thing, is hard and may require sacrifice. For most people, seeing others in desperate need triggers compassion.
Over the past two decades, St. Louis alone has integrated some 70,000 Muslim refugees from Bosnia; second generation Bosnian-American Muslims are graduating secondary schools. Most did not “speak the language, had few American skills, and had different cultural standards”, but they DID have the desire to live here and to work hard supporting their families. They took service jobs – our fortune 500 pharmaceutical company hired hundreds as janitors. Some started small businesses – retail shops, restaurants and masonry/landscaping. Now, the St. Louis area has at least 100,000 Muslims; a new mosque was constructed just over a mile from where we live. The Muslim refugees have certainly helped “build a stronger St. Louis” by revitalizing a large swath of South St. Louis that had been nearly abandoned.
Perhaps when we abandon our fellow human beings, we abandon our own humanity. Perhaps Angela Merkel sees doing the right thing as strengthening her nation. It’s what leaders do.
My tower is neither high nor mighty, but on my little middle-class 9 home cul de sac we have two Muslim neighbors – one young family for about 2 years and another couple that just moved in. Both bought their houses and remodeled – new landscaping, fences, driveway and inside improvements, I suppose. Granted, these families are probably not Syrian refugees, as least not recent ones, but these people are as American as you or I.
Teach must have missed this one.
Who would have thought that drowningpuppies and the would try to mislead you.
Oh my!
WHAT’S TRUE: A group of refugees threatened to attack their hosts at Hope Farms.
WHAT’S FALSE: The attackers were All Muslim migrants.
Nice try, little whiny bitch.
Good. You admit you were wrong.
“Perhaps Merkel sees doing the right thing as strengthening her nation.” Begins from a false premise that it’s the right thing to do.