There’s spin, and then there’s Spin (via Ed Morrissey)
(CBS News) After Iran released 10 U.S. Navy sailors from custody early Wednesday morning, some media outlets reported that the U.S. had issued an apology to Tehran in order to secure the sailors’ freedom. But Vice President Joe Biden told CBS News that there was “no apology†given.
“When you have a problem with the boat, (do) you apologize the boat had a problem? No,†Biden said in an interview with “CBS This Morning†on Wednesday. “And there was no looking for any apology. This was just standard nautical practice.â€
The vice president explained that the “the Iranians picked up both boats — as we have picked up Iranian boats that needed to be rescued.†Iranian officials then “realized they were there in distress and said they would release them, and released them — like ordinary nations would do.â€
Can anyone explain how it just so happened that two US Navy boats both happened to be in distress at the exact same time? While together? There’s Spin, and then there’s flat out Unicorn Land. John Kerry delves into Unicorn Land, as well
NEW: Secretary John Kerry thanks Iranians for US Navy sailors’ departure from Iran.
— ABC News (@ABC) January 13, 2016
These people really do think you’re stupid. Thanking the Iranians? This delves into the same buffoonery as blaming a previously unknown video for the attack in Benghazi. Does this look like US Navy members being rescued?
I repeat, what were they in distress from? Calm seas, no storms. Did both boats just happen to break down at the same time? Maybe they were being stalked by a Megalodon. Or mermaids. All share the same reality.
And Iran isn’t yammering about the boats being in distress, and are demanding an apology
Gen. Ali Fadavi also told state TV Wednesday that the American boats showed “unprofessional acts” for 40 minutes before being picked up by Iranian forces.
“Certainly U.S. presence in Persian Gulf and their passage has never been innocent and we do not deem their passage as innocent,” Fadavi said, adding that Iran Foreign Minister Javad Zarif “had a firm stance (during a telephone conversation with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry) on their presence in our territorial waters and said they should not have come and should apologize.”
Will US media have the fortitude to demand answers from this administration? Made myself laugh.

It really is amazing the ease with which the democrats lie, about everything.
If we had a media with any integrity at all, they’d get called out on their lies.
They’ll all be going down in flames soon and they’ll be the last to understand why.
White House spokesman Josh Earnest used the ongoing incident involving two U.S. Navy boats being held in Iranian custody as further justification for President Obama’s pursuit of the Iran nuclear deal.
The Iranians pulled the presidents and John Kerry’s pants down and hung their Heiny’s out the window then took their lunch money and they are too dumb to know it
If someone just woke up from a coma they had been in since the Iranian hostage crisis they would think America was still a weakling on the world stage and still has a souring economy.
Obama is lucky he has dark features to hide the shinola on his face from all that Iranian butt he is kissing.
Two heavily armed US Navy boats were found in Iranian waters and were captured by the Iranians. The Navy personnel and their boats were released into international waters a short time later.
And the anti-American right-wing is upset because?
Tapper bristled.
“I hear you, but they have 10 American sailors in their custody right now, Josh,†Tapper said. “I think there are probably a lot of Americans watching this thinking, ‘Why are we about to give them sanction relief?’ They have 10 Americans in … a boat, in a cell, whatever.
â€We continue to be concerned about this situation,†Earnest said.
10 American sailors invaded Iranian territory, were captured and released shortly after. Sounds like a great outcome!
President Trump would have gotten the sailors killed.
Did you hear this morning when President Christie twice accused our Seals of “murdering” Osama bin laden.
So why did president skinny black guy order 10 American sailors to invade Iran?
So, you agree that Biden and Kerry were lying about Iran helping out.
No. Do you have a link? Because I’m not finding one. Besides, I seriously doubt whether anyone who comments at my little blog is a Christie supporter.
Sailor learn to blink Morse Code, didn’t get to use it.
Your President and Commander in Chief did not order the invasion, it was an accidental invasion. Fortunately, the vile Iranians are smarter and more reasonable than American conservatives and the error by the sailors didn’t result in any bloodshed.
Why do American conservatives hate Obama more than they love America or her sailors and soldiers?
Where are the GPS units from the boats that would back the Administration’s assertion?
This is the same administration that said there were no military assets during the Benghazi attack and that has been shown to be false.
I predicted a year ago that Christie would be the Repub nominee. If he’s nominated, the right will support him.
Wednesday when he was ripping Obama on Morning Joe he said Osama bin laden was murdered. Nice.
So you’re accusing our sailors of lying?
The Navy probably considers the GPS and location data to be somewhat sensitive and probably will not release it to FOX News.
It was the YouTube video!
Those parents were lying about what I said!
– Hildabeast
In context, he approves of killing Osama. But, again, you won’t find myself or others here defending Christie.
No, I am accusing the Pentagon of lying in order to protect the President. After all, the Administration lied about military assets in the Benghazi debacle. (I am always baffled at your dismissal of the men who died at Benghazi and the lies the administration. We both know you would never give the same blind eye to a Republican and in fact have continued to try to rock the lie that Bush lied, even though it has been showed and proven he didn’t.)
The sailors made a statement that was broadcast by the Iranians that they were at fault but this of course was after they had be forced to kneel with their hands on their heads.
BTW – it is interesting that you are characterizing what the Pentagon called a “disabled boat” as an invasion. Is your understanding of maritime law that disabled boats should be seized along with their crews? (And the boats were not “heavily armed” in any measurement or understanding of the word.)
As for the GPS and your supposition, you are wrong. The Iranians kept them.
Why would they do that unless the US boats weren’t in Iranian waters and were in fact in international waters? If anything, why not keep just one set from one boat to show the world and send the other set back to the US to show the boats were in Iranian waters?
Uh huh. Go on….
Of course they were forced to kneel with their hands on their heads! Iranians found American sailors in Iranian waters! If the US found foreign military assets in US waters how would we treat the personnel??
So now you’re claiming the boats were not in Iranian waters but were captured in international waters. Go on….
Well, at least you agree the Administration lied about what happened at Benghazi.
I guess you have forgotten the story the Administration put out when this first occurred. The Administration claimed one of the boats was disabled and drifted into Iranian territorial waters. Therefore, the Iranians were supposed to help the boat and the crew.
Secondly, you do realize that the release of the pictures of the crew kneeling with their hands on their heads violates the Geneva Accords, right?
Trouble reading again?
Where is the proof that the boats were in Iranian waters?
You seem willing to accept the story of the sailors taken under duress. Where is the proof Jeffery that the boats were in Iranian waters? Why not release the GPS units and the data?
Go on and answer those questions.