It would have done even worse had the survey not put climate change and environmental damage together
(UK Guardian) The high profile UN summit on climate change in Paris appears to have had little impact on the decision making and worries of global business leaders.
Despite concerns about its impact on extreme weather events, such as recent flooding in the UK, climate change failed to register near the top of the list of business threats, according to a survey of 1,400 CEOs from around the world compiled by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and published at Davos this week.
Instead, over-regulation was listed as the biggest threat to business (by 79% of CEOs), followed by geopolitical uncertainty (74%) and other key threats including cyber attacks (61%).
In contrast, climate change and environmental damage was mentioned as a threat to business growth by just 50% of CEOs.
Out of 11 issues in the survey, dead last

Super Bummer
Only 25% of Americans (who have the highest percentage of climate change deniers of any country)
are solidly skeptical of global ://
In fact a majority of Republicans including 54% self described as conservative Republicans believe that mankind plays a role
Why, it’s almost as though “business leaders'” primary concern is making money. How totally surprising.
Sorry, John. We’re not climate change deniers but rather climate data change deniers.
Data deniers is the appropriate term.
Yeah, it’s kinda hard to deny that treemometer data of Michael Mann (aka Nobel Laureate).
Climate hoax deniers works quite well, too