In Norway and Denmark, the government is holding classes for the “refugees” on how Not To Rape And Sexually Assault. Sadly, the classes are completely optional, unlike at most institutions of higher learning. Germany has decided to take a different route
(Fox News) Rocked by a wave of sexual assaults committed by migrant men, Germany is fighting back with cartoons, in a PC campaign critics say would be comical if it didn’t address such a serious issue.
In a national effort already blasted by critics as demonstrating the government’s ineptitude in dealing with unruly refugees from the Middle East and North Africa, authorities have distributed anti-sexual harassment cartoon leaflets at public swimming pools and other public facilities. One depicts a hand reaching for a shapely, bikini-clad woman’s backside, and bears a universal-language slash demonstrating such behavior is forbidden.
“No verbal and bodily sexual harassment toward women in any kind of clothing,†reads the caption below. (snip)
“These signs are a good step, but they can only be a first initiative of more security measures to come,†Saba Farzan, executive director of Foreign Policy Circle, a Berlin strategy think tank, told “Protecting our women from vicious assaults means to teach refugees as well as migrants about gender equality.â€
Which is hilarious, in a bad way, because these people have been raised in societies in which there is no gender equality, that women are, at best, 2nd class citizens. Does one think the zebra is going to remove its stripes simply because it is hanging with horses? From what we’ve seen with this “refugees”, the answer is no. Nor is this isolated, because these Muslims streaming from the Middle East, Africa, and other Muslim nations have shown a lack of respect for women and the laws of the host countries for quite some time.
“If our criminal and asylum laws can’t discourage perpetrators of sexual harassment and the activity of other offenses, what effect can signs in swimming facilities have?â€Â Cologne-based lawyer Stefanie Galla told
Yeah, but they’re great signs! Zero Hedge highlighted many designed by the EU that Switzerland had already planned to use when they came out a few days ago, and shows more of the German ones now. One of them reminds these refugees that being homosexual is not punishable by death in Germany. This is the one mentioned in the Fox article
We also learn there is a guidebook, which includes (my list is slightly different from Zero Hedges
- Welcome to Germany! This guide will provide you with information about the country you now find yourself in. It has been designed in response to common questions asked by refugees.
- Urinating in public can be an offense. Public toilets (WCs) are available in most places. WCs usually have toilet paper, but not a bidet. It is perfectly OK to throw toilet paper into the toilet. Don’t throw it into the waste bin.
- It is common for couples of the same or different sex to show affection in public. This includes holding hands and sometimes kissing or cuddling in public. This is accepted and acceptable behavior. This should just be ignored.
- Having bare arms or legs is common and normal, for example when wearing a t-shirt or shorts or a short skirt. Staring at other people is considered impolite.
- Good friends often hug each other when they say hello or goodbye, and sometimes they also kiss each other on the cheek. They do this with people of the same and the opposite sex. This kind of hugging and kissing is just being friendly and is not meant in a sexual way.
- Discrimination because of gender, race, religion or sexual orientation is illegal. If someone discriminates you, or you feel threatened, even if only verbally: call the police. Never use violence in response to any type of comment, even if it is insulting, discriminating or threatening. Use of violence is illegal in Germany.
There are many, many more, but that last one is amusing, since the government was attempting to hide all the sexual assault, rape, and other bad behavior by these refugees.
Zero Hedge says to check back in 6 months to see if these things are working. Meanwhile, there are more reports of bad behavior by refugees, including women and children this time, at public pools and saunas, which include masturbation, harassment, and voiding bowels, leading yet another town to ban refugees at the public pools.

There were 3 reported rapes New Years night in Colongne bear the railway station
The USA averages 500 per day
Ewwww. Gross…
Evidently, the Muslims in Germany say if only the Germans would quit drinking alcohol, the sexual assaults would go away.
Isn’t just like John, a good little progressive, to excuse the reprehensible behavior of Muslims, who tend to treat women like garbage.