Monthly Archives: January 2016

Bummer: Only 27% Say Climate Change Is Mostly Caused By Humanity

For over 25 years, the Cult Of Climastrology has been spreading awareness, hyping doom and gloom, and the years have seen their prognostications become more and more unhinged. They have the news media, the Democratic Party, and the entertainment industry behind them. After all that, this is the best they can do (NCSE) According (PDF) to […]

Washington Post: We Should Regulate Ammunition

The Washington Post prints an op-ed by Ann Brown, who was the “chairman of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission from 1994 to 2002.” Hey, isn’t referring to her as “Chairman” sexist? Anyhow, she thinks she has the common sense solution America should regulate bullets When I chaired the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, I […]

Germany Deals With Lots Of Sexual Assault Attacks By “Migrants” Over New Years

Don’t ask Leftists to be outraged over all the attacks by migrants from Islamic nations: even though they make a massive deal out of protecting women from rape and sexual assault (especially on college campuses that are run by Liberals), yammer about women’s rights, and so forth, all those things are lower on the rung […]

What Say To Artificial Trees To Solve Hotcoldwetdry?

Yup. As Steven Milloy notes, this is the latest in CO2 insanity. I’d just call it bat guano insane (Washington Post) In the fight against climate change, trees are an ally. They suck in carbon dioxide, reducing the harmful greenhouses gases in our air. But there’s a problem — we’re asking them to work overtime. […]

If All You See…

…is a world being turned to desert from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Cold Fury, with a post on digging ditches. Is everyone getting their post-holidays exercise?

Good Grief: Trump Chimes In On Cruz Birtherism

There’s a reason it’s called the Silly Season (Washington Post) Donald Trump said in an interview that rival Ted Cruz’s Canadian birthplace was a “very precarious” issue that could make the senator from Texas vulnerable if he became the Republican presidential nominee. “Republicans are going to have to ask themselves the question: ‘Do we want […]

Say, Can Hollywood Save Us From “Climate Catastrophe”?

In other words, are we set for more preachy movies about Hotcoldwetdry? Can Hollywood save us from climate catastrophe? By taking on the link between football and brain injuries, the recently released movie“Concussion” reminds us of the potential for Hollywood to shape attitudes and beliefs about controversial topics through entertainment. The film has put America’s […]

Semi-Retired President Gets Weepy Over Mostly-Ineffectual Gun Rules

I noted yesterday that Obama’s new “gun control” regime would pretty much have a statistically insignificant effect on “gun violence”. Ed Morrissey called them a “restatement of existing law”, and that they “aren’t exercises in executive power; they’re admissions of incompetent governance.” Allahpundit notes they are empty gestures, and points to Charles W. Cooke, who […]

Special Snowflake Warmist Isn’t Impressed With Old Gray Hair Warmists

Thankfully, we now have the opinion of Clara Nevins, a “high school activist, dancer, and writer” (strange, she doesn’t want to be a STEM major?), who isn’t impressed with all those old fogey Warmists when she took a long fossil fueled trip to the Paris Hotcoldwetdry conference A Millennial’s Take on Climate Activism …. Paris […]

The Deal In Oregon: My Take

Jeffrey asked yesterday why I wasn’t writing about the “standoff” in Oregon. Well, let’s see. First off, I really do not care all that much. These are some foolish people trying to make a point, yet the people they are supposedly making a point over want them to stop. There’s no doubt that there are […]

Pirate's Cove