Monthly Archives: January 2016

Climate Activists Can Learn A Lot From Black Lives Matter!!!!

What is it they will learn? The violence? The shrieking? The exclusionary tactics? Rioting? Arson? Looting their own neighborhoods? Climate Activists Can Learn a Lot From Black Lives Matter (Lots of one sided discussion about Tamir Rice and Black Lives Matter) Of the many lessons the climate movement can draw from the one for black […]

If All You See…

…is a wonderful bike to stop obesity which is Bad for climate change, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is No Tricks Zone, with a post on green energy leaving financial and environmental disasters.

Surprise: Senator Chris Murphy (D) Lies About Mass Shootings

As Vox Day notes, the first law of social justice warriors is that they always lie. Then they continue the lie, and build on the lie in order to push The Narrative forward. Here’s a perfect example (Breitbart) On December 31 Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) claimed there were 372 mass shootings–or more than one mass […]

Europe Shouldn’t Give In To Xenophobia Of Refugees Or Something

The Washington Post’s Editorial Board, which features members who live in neighborhoods which will never see placement of even small numbers of these “Syrian” refugees, is in high dudgeon over the growing rejection of the refugees in Europe Europe cannot allow xenophobia to overpower its response to refugees CHANCELLOR ANGELA Merkel of Germany walks a […]

Review: “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”

I was finally able to find the time to go see Star Wars: The Force Awakens this afternoon. I caught the 3D viewing, and, I’ll say that the hype was worth it. As you might remember, when I find a movie to be really good, I do not go into a long review of it. […]

The Conservative Retreat On Hotcoldwetdry Has Begun Or Something

So say Washington Post cartoonist Tom Toles The conservative retreat on Climate Change has at last begun After close to three decades of ignoring and/or actively subverting climate science, conservatives have finally been forced to acknowledge the face-lashing climate facts that are now afflicting the planet.  The accumulating evidence of melting glaciers, drought, record wildfires, […]

If All You See…

…is a horrendous future rising ocean requiring marches and spreading awareness, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Vox Popoli, with a post asking if you’re ready for 2016. Starting off 2016 with exercise, what everyone wants to do after the holidays, which will go through the following Saturday. Though, […]

John Kerry: Non-binding, Voluntary Paris Climate Agreement Obama’s Most Important 2015 Accomplishment

I did not want to make the headline really long, so I left out “with no force of law and no legally binding requirements” (CNS News) Secretary of State John Kerry says the climate change deal he helped broker in Paris was the Obama administration’s most “important” accomplishment in 2015. “As one year gives way […]

NY Times: “How are cops supposed to know who the good guy or the bad guy is with the gun?”

It’s a new year, so, the NY Times Editorial Board uses the occassion to pimp gun control with their usual flavor of hysteria Two Ways of Dealing With Guns This is a big day for Texans yearning to flaunt their handguns in belt and shoulder holsters. A new “open carry” law enacted by the Republican […]

Pirate's Cove