Monthly Archives: January 2016

Ann Coulter Goes Full On Birther Against Cruz

What happened to Ann Coulter? She used to be a rock solid Conservative. Her books and columns used to be bedrocks of Conservative thought. Then, something happened. She started supporting super squishy Republicans, starting with her love of Chris Christie. She’s now become an uber-Trumpbot. She had a little hissy fit towards SC Gov. Nikki […]

Ordering Starbucks Implies Killing Black Men By Cops Or Something

Some people have entirely too much time on their hands (Daily Caller)  Oregon State University will host a workshop next week that will explain to students how ordering a coffee at Starbucks involves “implicit biases that contribute to injustice” and connects to the “recent killings of black men” by white cops. The Jan. 19 workshop […]

If All You See…

…are plants dying off and growing out of control from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Blazing Cat Fur, with a post on what Germany planned to do before the NYE rapefest. Humpday!

Good Grief: Biden Thanks Iran For Helping Our Boats “In Distress”

There’s spin, and then there’s Spin (via Ed Morrissey) (CBS News) After Iran released 10 U.S. Navy sailors from custody early Wednesday morning, some media outlets reported that the U.S. had issued an apology to Tehran in order to secure the sailors’ freedom. But Vice President Joe Biden told CBS News that there was “no […]

Cult of Climastrology: Aviation Is “a continued pattern of privilege for the very few”

People, meaning Warmists, scoff when I note that ‘climate change” is almost solely about far left politics, and not science. Yet, virtually everything surrounding this “issue” relates to Leftist policies, and most of the Believers are Leftists. People such as those at the New Internationalist Blog, who are very much a smattering of Progressives, Marxists, […]

The Best And Worst Of Obama’s SOTU

No, I did not watch the State Of The Union. NJ Devils hockey was on. If it wasn’t, I would have watched Masterchef Canada. And don’t you dare tell me who won! I did not watch all of Bush’s, either. But, no matter what, I had no intention of watching a snippy man lecture the […]

Bummer: Hotcoldwetdry Means More Fear, Less Fun For Middle Class

A doomy prognostication for a sunny Monday from the Cult of Climastrology Climate change means more fear, less fun for global middle class: UBS The erosion of wealth among the world’s middle class due to climate change is a threat to economic and social stability which could spur its 1 billion members to push for […]

If All You See…

…is a rising sea which means you have to tattoo yourself with the CO2 level of your birth year, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Lonely Conservative, with a post on rising Obamacare premiums.

Celebrity President Thinks A Donald Trump Presidency Would Be A “Saturday Night Live” Skit

This coming from a guy whose presidency has been all about himself and his celebrity, what with the constant social media appearances, going on talk shows numerous times, giving interviews to non-serious news folks. Heck, remember the Greek columns during his coronation as Democratic Party nominee in 2008? (Newsmax) President Barack Obama says Donald Trump […]

Cult Of Climastrology Members Now Tattooing Themselves With Their Birth Year CO2 Level

We learn about this from Warmist Morgan Curtis, who learned about this new fad after taking a long fossil fueled flight to Europe, before engaging in Climate Journey, ending up in Paris Why I left the Paris Climate Summit with an activist tattoo I never imagined I would get a tattoo during the U.N. Climate […]

Pirate's Cove