You know that this is something that is being shoved down the throat of the Pentagon by the President and his team, who are big believers in anthropogenic climate change, at least in terms of Other People’s lives
(Washington Times) The Pentagon is ordering the top brass to incorporate climate change into virtually everything they do, from testing weapons to training troops to war planning to joint exercises with allies.
A new directive’s theme: The U.S. Armed Forces must show “resilience†and beat back the threat based on “actionable science.â€
It says the military will not be able to maintain effectiveness unless the directive is followed. It orders the establishment of a new layer of bureaucracy — a wide array of “climate change boards, councils and working groups†to infuse climate change into “programs, plans and policies.â€
This idiotic plan will force compliance all the way down to the people serving in the field, who must take ‘climate change’ into account when when they decide to take a shot at ISIS fighters. “Hmm, I wonder what the carbon footprint will be if I shoot this ISIS killer holder a knife to the throat of a child? Will the shot be climate friendly?”
Climate change must be integrated in:
- Weapons buying and testing “across the life cycle of weapons systems, platforms and equipment.â€
- Training ranges and capabilities.
- Defense intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance.
- Defense education and training.
- Combatant commander joint training with allies to “assess the risks to U.S. security interests posed by climate change.â€
- Joint Chiefs of Staff collaboration “with allies and partners to optimize joint exercises and war games including factors contributing to geopolitical and socioeconomic instability.â€
Good grief. Our military is being turned into a bunch of liberal Social Justice Warriors worried more about their carbon footprint and “climate justice” rather than protecting the United States from enemies. This is yet another reason to make sure that a Republican wins the White House in November.
No mention as to whether ‘climate change’ will be incorporated into Obama’s jumbo jets and helicopters, which are operated by the military.

Teach has hated the military of the USA for quite sometime because they believe in AGW
I think he is also still upset thatvthecSaudis beat thrusts outvgorvlast place in that poll for AGW belief
Fortunately, the US taxpayer will keep pouring about a $1 trillion a year into the military, so they’ll have ample funding.
And although the right denies it, the Earth is warming from the CO2 we humans keep adding to the atmosphere, and this is causing the climate to change. Large organizations with obligations to stakeholders would be negligent if they didn’t take global warming into account. It’s called being responsible.
William types the idiotic statement,
Really? And he types this:
Spoken like the Ignorant Denier (ID) that he is. Perhaps understanding the worldwide societal changes resulting from global warming IS part of protecting the US from enemies. When a large swath of a continent becomes increasingly uninhabitable from heat waves, famine, droughts, lack of fresh water etc… do you expect the millions there to just lie down and die for your comfort, conscience and convenience or will they do what humans always do and migrate? You may not realize this since science only tells lies, but there are more humans on Earth now than a few thousand years ago.
And this is hardly new. The Pentagon was pushing W Bush in 2004 to take global warming seriously (which drives a stake through the Denier meme that the Pentagon only follows the will of the administration).
There are two major issues that a responsible organization must address: 1) How to prepare for a changing organizational environment (e.g., migration, riots, conflict, resource allocation, disasters) and 2) What steps to take to reduce their impact on the issue (e.g., reducing carbon footprint).
Teach I forgot why was it that you didn’t enlist after 9/11?
John wrote:
No, the military are told what to believe, by the civilian authorities. Civilian control of the military is a valuable, and essential, part of a stable republic, but, unfortunately, we sometimes get utter dumbasses for the civilians who control the military; that is the sad condition under which we labor today.
They are spinning up as we speak.†U.S. Department of Defense Chief of Staff Jeremy Bash Tuesday, September 11, 2012, 7:19 PM
New day, same lie.
At least you are starting to realize that you lie each day.
William typed:
Umm… no. Note that the Pentagon was shoving its girthy member down George W. Bush’s throat over a decade ago, and he gagged on it.
The little guy is back to his gay porn metaphors.
It’s the tightie righties who keep saying everything they don’t like has been “rammed down their throats”. Obama took his huge Obamacare package and “rammed it down your throat”. Obama pulled out his huge climate change package and “shoved it down the throat” of the Pentagon. Rush Lowerbowel talks often of Obama bending people over and making them grab their ankles. Why do the right-weiniers think that every political defeat is the equivalent of homosexual rape?
More gay porn metaphors from little guy.
Why is that?
So you would understand.
So gay porn metaphors from little guy explain what exactly?
[…] William Teach summed it up perfectly. […]
And Jeffery types this idiotic statement, with nothing to back it up: “the earth is warming from CO2 we humans keep adding to the atmosphere…”
Only liberals would have the Pentagon worry about a non-existent threat, and NASA worry about reaching out to Muslims.
Thanks again, libtards! I won’t forget all that you’ve done for America…
My apologies. I forgot that you’re more of a man-on-dog kind of guy.
Thanks again, teabaggers! We won’t forget all that you’ve done to America…
This is, of course, coming from the guy who said just last week that he would never respond to drowningpuppies again.
That’s right, you and puppysucker share that special bond, lifting each other’s spirits when your daubers are down, defending each other from scurrilous attacks, and patting each other on the hiney in support. Always treasure your special bond, regardless of what society says or thinks.
Since you guys are so close, maybe you could ask him/her to explain his point about El Nino. This is a common tactic of his/hers, portentously dropping a word or phrase (or more recently, and entire paragraph!) without making an argument, expecting the universe to make her/his argument for her/him.
Mardi Gras morning links
Michelangelo’s house for sale I want it Indian leopard injures six in Bangalore school Something Slimy: The Signs of Bad Science Check out how this health nut eats 3 mistakes to avoid in your first 3 years of retirement The LGBT mob
To recap, your leader William used sexual slang to inaccurately describe the Pentagon’s stance on global warming, typing:
He offered no evidence, so the claim is unsupported and most likely untrue.
As we pointed out, accurately, the right uses this sexual slang construct often for reasons that you might be able to explain.
We pointed out, again accurately, that the Pentagon had approached George W. Bush way back in 2004, explaining to him that global warming was real and was a real threat to this nation’s security. But W was busy back then invading Iraq and torturing people, and being an “oil man” (thanks daddy!), so he had little use for any global warming talk.
We understand you and your fluffee’s tactic of getting nasty when you’re cornered, but riddle us this:
If the Pentagon’s interest in climate change is only because Obama is “shoving it down their throat”, why did the Pentagon try to “shove it down” W’s throat over a decade ago.
As we’ve said before, when you attack us personally, we hit back. If you and fluffee were here in person we’d slap the pee right out of your little selves.
Liars and people who cannot and will not keep their word always try to find ways to blame others for their moral and ethical failing.
Such is the case with Jeffery.
And that statement is a lie.
A decade ago, the Pentagon did not “shove it down W’s throat” as you assert.
There was a report saying that the climate change (not AGW as you appear to be asserting) was plausible and its effects therefore needed to be elevated to a potential threat to National Security.
The “potential threat to National Security” got people upset and ignorant people today like you think that this somehow validates what the Pentagon has been directed to do now.
“Potential National Security threat” is a very real term. It means that the military should plan for it, but that it may or may not come about. For example, an invasion of the US by Canada, Iceland or Greenland are also “potential threats to National Security” and there are actual plans to deal with that “threat.”
From the actual report:
Notice what the Pentagon was not saying:
It was not saying that AGW is happening.
It was not saying that the US needs to address the causes and effects in 2004.
It was not saying that change in temperatures had not happened before and will not happen in the future.
It did not make the claim that the predicted changes (which did not occur, in case you were wondering) were “unprecedented” as warmists claim.
In short Jeffery, the idea that the Pentagon was looking to discuss climate change back in 2004 and the Pentagon taking direct action on orders from the White House is nowhere near the same thing you claim and want it to be.
In other words, you lied again.
Oh, and by the way, if you want to get into a fight with someone, let me know your address and we can meet.
Have a nice day,
You are one sweet little goal-post moving liar!
In other words, you lied again. But conservatives have to lie or they’d have nothing to blog about.
The Pentagon approached President Bush to talk about global warming and its impact on national security in 2004. Did Bush order the Pentagon to approach him about global warming?
Do you, William, suckingpuppies or the august Washington Times have any evidence that Obama ordered the Pentagon to make the current move? I guess if you did you would have revealed it.
William’s argument is that the Pentagon only moves when ordered by the President. That is clearly false because 2004 or something.
How’s progress on that all-negro dorm you’ve discovered at UConn?
Did I mention that your nickname is Liar McLiar? And that you’re a lying liar that lies? Liar.
In other words, you lied again.
Nope. He wouldn’t have to. Part of executive mandates to the Pentagon is to look out for potential threats to the national security in order for those threats to receive more scrutiny as to the extent of the threat. Bush didn’t have to do anything as the order for the Pentagon to do it was already in place.
You fail on that one big time.
Obama issued an executive order creating a new “Council on Climate Preparedness and Resilience.” The agency includes the military and it is required to find and take steps to address climate change.
Strike two.
You mean the segregation that UConn admitted to?
Strike three.
Oh, two things,……
1) It is really cute that you accuse others of “moving the goalposts” and in a thread on the Pentagon, Obama and AGW, bring up a dorm at UConn. If that is not the definition of “moving the goalposts, I don’t know what is. (It is also telling that you support the segregation of blacks in living spaces. Why is it that leftists have people of other races?)
2) I notice that you failed to provide your address. I guess like most bullies, you like to talk but back down when someone calls your bluff. You are getting better though. Previously after someone made the same statement to you that you had made about someone else, you boldly typed that your sons would attack and beat people up. At least now you are claiming (and lying) about carrying out your own nonsensical threats.
One to grow on…..
Have you stopped raping women yet as you admitted?