Yet another Obama initiative put in place with his pen, an attempt to do an end run around the duly elected law making branch, knocked out by the court system
(Fox News) A divided Supreme Court on Tuesday abruptly halted President Obama’s controversial new power plant regulations, dealing a blow to the administration’s sweeping plan to address global warming.
In a 5-4 decision, the court halted enforcement of the plan until after legal challenges are resolved.
The surprising move is a victory for the coalition of 27 mostly Republican-led states and industry opponents that call the regulations “an unprecedented power grab.”
The plaintiffs wanted this hold because they would have been forced to comply with the draconian Obama regulations, which would have raised energy prices, raised the cost of living for citizens, and cost jobs, while waiting as this whole thing rolls through the courts.
To convince the high court to temporarily halt the plan, opponents had to convince the justices that there was a “fair prospect” the court might strike down the rule. The court also had to consider whether denying a stay would cause irreparable harm to the states and utility companies affected.
The 4 Leftist judges apparently couldn’t have cared less whether the rules would have hurt the states and citizens. It could easily take into 2017 for all the court hearings to take place, past when Obama is around. If a Republican wins the White House, that person could easily use his pen to cut the program.

Hardly a “knockout” Teach
The put a hold on enforcement until a lower court r(appeals court) theiir decision. That court had previously said that the eps rules should go into immediate effect
These epa regulations are calling for a 2% per year reduction until 2030
now we DO know that dirty coal in power plants is estimated to kill 30,000 Americans each year and is the number one Mercury polluter ( not you hated CFLs)
Nope. The Court ruled that the EPA had the ability to establish rules on this topic. That Court’s ruling made by one judge is now headed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. It is on an expedited schedule to be heard and a decision may be issued by the fall.
It is likely the case will be appealed by the losing side to the Supreme Court which will most likely either take up the case or rule after Obama’s term ends. Even getting to the Supreme Court doesn’t the Court will grant cert to be heard.
The problem for the EPA and the government is that the injunction seems to say that the SCOTUS believes in the arguments put forth by the plaintiffs and not the government.
This is good. They also lost in Michigan vs. EPA last year, I believe. From Johnny: “we DO know that dirty coal in power plants is estimated to kill 30,000 a year..” Well, if you “Do know it”, then why would it be “estimated”? But anyway, you mean about the same number that are killed in cars each year?