This comes via A View From The Beach, which notes “The EPA seeks to regulate everything by redefining everything into something they can regulate”
(SEMA) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed a regulation to prohibit conversion of vehicles originally designed for on-road use into racecars. The regulation would also make the sale of certain products for use on such vehicles illegal. The proposed regulation was contained within a non-related proposed regulation entitled “Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Fuel Efficiency Standards for Medium- and Heavy-Duty Engines and Vehicles—Phase 2.â€
The regulation would impact all vehicle types, including the sports cars, sedans and hatch-backs commonly converted strictly for use at the track. While the Clean Air Act prohibits certain modifications to motor vehicles, it is clear that vehicles built or modified for racing, and not used on the streets, are not the “motor vehicles†that Congress intended to regulate.
“This proposed regulation represents overreaching by the agency, runs contrary to the law and defies decades of racing activity where EPA has acknowledged and allowed conversion of vehicles,†said SEMA President and CEO Chris Kersting. “Congress did not intend the original Clean Air Act to extend to vehicles modified for racing and has re-enforced that intent on more than one occasion.â€
The final rule is expected in July 2016, and we can be utterly sure that the EPA will listen to public comments on the subject, eh? This is exactly one of those issues which Conservatives complain about, namely, government over-reach and mission creep, expanding the core mission of a governmental agency, digging their tentacles into every part of our lives. And, liberals who support this should remember the old adage “be careful what you wish for, you may get it.” These same regulations can expand, and certainly come back and negatively effect their own lives.

It is time for the EPA to go. We need the cost savings and the EPA has completed its mission.
And no more pro slavery battle flags at NASCAR!!!
How unfair the world has become for conservatives
Clean up on aisle 9 as john just spewed out more ignorance.
First john, NASCAR would not ne subject to this because the cars are custom built and not intended for the streets. (you did read the article, didn’t you? Or are you just too friggin’ stupid to know the difference between a street car and a purpose built race car?)
Secondly, the “battle flags” were neither pro nor anti slavery as were any battle flags carried by any battalion, regiment, division or army in the CSA or the North. The “battle flags” were for units and not causes.
There are times when you really show what a buttheaded ignorant fool you are and the rest of the time…. oh wait…. there is no other time. You’re just a buttheaded ignorant fool all of the time..
from the EPA document:
It does sound like a bit of overreach to keep folks from tampering with emissions devices for conversion of street vehicles to competition vehicles. My question is whether this is really a big problem.
Doesn’t impact made-for-competition vehicles. And don’t drive competition vehicles on the street.
Has the EPA cleaned up the Animas River yet?
EPA did a bang up job on that Flint River thing.
You forgot about the EPA illegally using public funds to organize a campaign to increase the EPA’s power as well as support the EPA’s “WOTUS†(Waters of the United States) rule.
Rules and laws are not for governmental officials.