You don’t say
(UK Guardian) European countries should prepare for a far-reaching debate on the “profound lifestyle changes†required to limit climate change, according to a leaked European commission document.
Sadly, the Guardian doesn’t actually provide a link to that document. It’d be wonderful to read it to see what those “profound lifestyle changes” are, since the Guardian is rather cagey.
The commission will tell foreign ministers meeting in Brussels on Monday that a Europe-wide debate is needed on how to limit global warming to 1.5C, according to a staff working document for ministers seen by the Guardian. (snip)
“It will require exploring possibilities for realising ‘negative’ emissions as well as profound lifestyle changes of current generations.â€
Negative emissions can refer to carbon capture and storage technology powered by biomass, geo-engineering of the atmosphere and oceans, or CO2 removal that sucks emissions out of the air.
Yet, what of these “profound lifestyle changes”? What are they? It’s very easy to guess, based on what the Cult of Climastrology has been recommending for decades. A higher cost of living, higher energy prices, limiting travel, dietary changes, the Government taking more and more power away from the People and giving it to the government, etc and so forth.
One has to wonder why Warmists are always so cagey and circumspect in regards to their ultimate and ulterior goals.

Mother Nature is the biggest denier – She keeps doing things to thwart the alarmist theories.