February 7, 2016 – 1:00 pm
…is a world turning to desert because Someone Else didn’t turn their heat down to 58, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Last Tradition, with a post on the GOP bait and switch. The theme of the week is “cleaning out unused photos from other themes.”
February 7, 2016 – 10:19 am
Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in America. Who’s going to win the Super Bowl? I have the Panthers by 4, 35-31, with the Panthers stifling a late Peyton Manning comeback for the win. This very interesting pinup is by Gil Elvgren, with a wee bit of help. What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The […]
February 7, 2016 – 8:04 am
And Hillary is unable to give more than a typical foolish answer (Washington Post) The question was just what Hillary Clinton asked for when she came to a small college campus Saturday to directly tackle the exodus of support for her among young voters, many of whom are drawn to opponent Bernie Sanders. A young […]
February 6, 2016 – 1:00 pm
…is a sea that will rise due to Other People driving fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Daley Gator, with a post with proof showing Leftists are bat guano crazy.
February 6, 2016 – 11:39 am
This is all working so well. “Refugees”, comprised primarily of young fighting age men, stream into Europe. Idiots get all teary eyed about their plight and welcome them with open arms (but not open homes, because they aren’t that stupid). The refugees sexually abuse and rape women. They deface property. They poop in public pools. […]
February 6, 2016 – 7:35 am
Obama is typically referred to as the Gun Salesman Of The Year, and I often wonder in posts whether he has a financial stake in gun companies. Well, it turns out he does (Reuters) Barack Obama might seem an unlikely investor in the firearms industry. But the U.S. president, a fierce advocate for gun regulation, […]
February 6, 2016 – 7:08 am
Would it surprise you that Obama actually produced a budget almost on time? It is rather unusual, as he is typically late. He even holds the record for the longest delay among presidents, 98 days. It was due by the previous Monday. Now we get this (The Hill) White House spokesman Josh Earnest on Friday […]
February 5, 2016 – 5:57 pm
First the robots take all the jobs from the minimum wage earners, who then have to suffer out in the scorching heat and bitter cold from too much heat trapping carbon pollution, then the robots rise up and wipe us all out. Pandemics, killer robots and climate change ‘urgent’ security fears Killer robots, cyber attacks, […]
February 5, 2016 – 1:00 pm
…is coffee which will be decimated by too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Fire Andrea Mitchell, with a post noting Hillary lied about her Goldman-Sachs speaking fees.
February 5, 2016 – 11:15 am
It’s axiom that almost any occurrence will lead the Cult of Climastrology to interject their idiocy into said subject. In this case, the Super Bowl (WKYC) How is climate change impacting the home states of Super Bowl teams Broncos and Panthers? On Sunday, February 7, the Carolina Panthers and the Denver Broncos will hit the […]