Here’s another case of taking a legitimate environmental issue which has serious implications for the health of living creatures, including humans, and linking it to Hotcoldwetdry. Also, it’s just weird
(BBC) Air pollution in China is no laughing matter, but one campaign group hopes its bizarre new film will provoke both laughs and action among urban Chinese.
“Hairy Nose” depicts a bleak future where people have evolved lengthy nasal hair to filter out the smog.
It ends with a warning that if people don’t change their ways, pollution will change them.
The charity, WildAid, told the BBC they wanted people to stop waiting for government action to fix the problem.
“We wanted to find some humorous way to talk about the very serious problem we are facing,” said WildAid’s China representative, May Mei.
You can see the video at the link. And, you know, China does have a serious air pollution problem, and, yes, a lot of it is from the use of oil and coal. But, the problem is not CO2, it is the other things that are being released. Of course we get this
Ms Mei said WildAid wanted to tell people to stop waiting for the government to take action on pollution and climate change, and instead come up with their own creative ways to be more green.
That’s how you take a legitimate issue and make it stupid.

Apparently, I’m ahead of the curve on this whole evolution thingy.
It’s a 500 word article, and you have a hissy fit over two words.
You won’t want to read this but global warming is real and it’s caused by burning coal, gas and oil, which also causes the air pollution that the article focuses on.
And both problems are solved by the same actions – reducing the burning of fossil fuels!
And you have a hissy fit over two words.