Think Progress’ Special Warmist Snowflake Samantha Page is very vexed by Donald Trump’s position on ‘climate change’, and, really, this would apply to most Republicans running
This One Chart Shows How Crazy Trump’s Climate Positions Are
Now that the results from Super Tuesday are in, we can officially pivot to considering Donald Trump as the most likely Republican presidential nominee. November will see a Trump v. Clinton or a Trump v. Sanders face-off, barring a few, impressively over-analyzed scenarios.
With that in mind, ThinkProgress wanted to revisit our climate and energy candidate chart, where we help voters understand where candidates stand.
We have updated the Democratic candidates, now whittled to only Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, by breaking out Atlantic and Gulf offshore drilling and including new data on fossil fuel donations, and we added a few lines that reflect some of Trump’s more aggressive energy and climate positions.
The Republican candidate has been remarkably mum on climate issues — perhaps because, as he has repeatedly Tweeted, Trump believes climate change is a hoax. (He also may or may not believe that the hoax is perpetrated by the Chinese.)
I will say this, I think Trump is completely off base when he says it is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese. That’s silly. But, on to said chart, which is below the fold, because it is very long
I will say this, I have no problem with expanding renewables, or giving them the same tax breaks (not subsidies, mind you) that other energy sources receive. And, really, pretty much do, because these are the same types of tax breaks most companies receive in terms of capital investment, depreciation, exploration, etc. I do not want the EPA dismantled, I just want them to do their core job, not expand it for silly things like ‘climate change’, putting all streams, ponds, and puddles under the control of the federal government, they should not have armed officers, and should stop the “mission creep”. Nor would I want Palin as Energy Secretary.
I do enjoy, though, how Sanders and Hillary have these hardcore positions against fossil fuels yet use vast amounts themselves.

What about Palin as Department of Education ?