And they’re suing to stop it
(CNN) Five New York women are fighting to halt the state’s “Tampon Tax.”
Margo Seibert, Jennifer Moore, Catherine O’Neil, Natalie Brasington, and Taja-Nia Henderson, filed a lawsuit Thursday against New York’s tax department and its commissioner, Jerry Boone.
Their demand: Stop imposing a 4% “luxury tax” on feminine hygiene products.
The complaint points to guidelines published by the taxation department in 1998 and 2014 that categorize pads and tampons as “general merchandise.” That means they’re not eligible for a “medical supplies” tax exemption.
Of course, it’s the patriarchy
“There can be only one explanation for the Department’s decision to tax tampons and pads but not Rogaine, dandruff shampoo, foot powder, chapstick, and so many other less medically necessary products also used by men…[these products] are used by women only,” the complaint reads.
Wait, women don’t use any of those other products?
However, as amusing as this is, they do have a point.

Yes, they have a point. Why do you find discrimination against women “amusing”? Or is it that you find ridiculing women amusing?
Their point was that only women use tampons. Do you disagree?
Tampons are a luxury item. The standard economy feminine hygiene pad is the base necessity item and should not be taxed. Period.