…is a wonderful field that should be turned into biofuels and replaced with solar panels, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Political Clown Parade, with a post on the passing of Nancy Reagan.

…is a wonderful field that should be turned into biofuels and replaced with solar panels, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Political Clown Parade, with a post on the passing of Nancy Reagan.
I see someone who needs to be checked for ticks.
LOL, Professor Hale!
I see a field being used by corporate america to produce evil corn syrup in their conspiracy to keep poor people obese and ignorantly addicted to low-cost, high-calorie quick-serve foodstuffs instead of letting them eat the locally-sourced organic kale, arugula, and quinoa foodstuffs that the wealthy know-it-all urban elites say they should eat.
Yay, hot-ass Jessica Biel! Thanks!
William, the fact that of all the blog posts that featured the sad news of Nancy Reagan’s passing, you chose to link to mine is touching.
I don’t have enough words to thank you.
It was my pleasure, Political Clown Parade. It was a very good post.