This will most likely spread throughout the rest of the 350.0rg nut-o-sphere
Affirmer or Denier? Activist Issues Climate-Change “Litmus Test”
It’s test time in Tallahassee, as one man wants to get lawmakers and other state leaders to state once and for all where they stand on climate change and the risk it poses to Florida.
Environmental engineer Bart Bibler is the driving force behind what he calls the climate-change “litmus test.” In it, he’s asking policymakers to acknowledge climate change is real and primarily caused by human activity, and that Florida is particularly vulnerable.
It reads more like a purity pledge, comrades
- I hereby acknowledge that Climate Change is real and is now primarily caused by human activity.
- I recognize that this is of grave threat to the future of Florida and the planet.
- I understand that we should think globally, but we must act locally.
- Since Florida is one of the most vulnerable places on our planet, and is named The Sunshine State, I agree that we should be leaders in renewable energy, and we should begin immediately.
- I am confident that if we aggressively begin a renewable energy path, this will ensure significant job creation and a sustainable economy in Florida.
If they do not sign, will they be subjected to Bernie Sanders call to “bring climate deniers to justice”? Those who have not signed it have already been branded deniers, hence, Enemies Of The State, until they recant.
BTW, Bibler was not fired for saying “climate change” as reported. He was reprimanded for failing to do his job properly.

“Have you, or have you ever been, a member of the Communist party…” J. McCarthy would be proud.
No, but voters will be better informed. We need to vote out all Deniers. And/or all conservatives.
Yes, vote out all climate hoax deniers. I agree