Donald Trump claims he is not a believer in anthropogenic climate change. He’s even stated that it was created by the Chinese. Back in February, MSNBC noted
In tweets between 2012 and early 2015, he called climate change a “con job,†a “canard,†a “hoax,†“bulls**t,†and a concept “created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.â€
But as his political star has risen, he’s changed his tune on global warming.
He’s walked back his wildest conspiracy theories and toned down his claims that cold weather somehow disproves global warming. He’s also retired some of his most incendiary language (“con job,†“canardâ€) and wrapped what remains in strong qualifiers.
In January, for example, after relentless mockery from the Sanders campaign, Trump told “Fox & Friends†that his tweet about climate change as a Chinese plot was a “joke.†(snip)
The Republican front-runner still uses the word “hoax,†deploying it on December 30 at a rally in Hilton Head, S.C. But he bookends it in un-Trump-like uncertainty. “A lot of it is a hoax,†he said, according to ThinkProgress, a left-leaning news site “I mean, it’s a money-making industry, OK? It’s a hoax, a lot of it.â€
Even skeptics took Trump to task for the foolish conspiracy theory about the Chinese creating it, and, it was foolish. But, has he changed his tune? Is he a skeptic for real or simply a poser, like with many other issues?
(NY Daily News) Donald Trump is a climate change denier for now, but maybe he could warm to the idea.
In 2014, tax records show, the Donald J. Trump Foundation gave $5,000 to an Olympic snowboarder’s climate change advocacy group, even though Trump has repeatedly called climate change a “hoax†and has said it would not be a big priority for him if he succeeds in his bid to become the next U.S. president.
Trump’s $5,000 donation to Protect Our Winters – a nonprofit that mobilizes skiers and snowboarders on the issue – is a surprising entry in the tax forms of the Republican businessman’s nonprofit foundation.
“All joking aside, we are actually the perfect climate organization for Trump to support because it’s about how we protect the business of winter,†says Auden Schendler, chairman of POW’s board of directors and vice president of sustainability at the Aspen Skiing Company.
But, does this mean anything big? Olympic snowboarding champ Jamie Anderson asked Trump to make the donation to the group after appearing on Celebrity Apprentice and losing. It looks more like Trump was simply doing something nice for Anderson
“Dear Jamie, I am pleased to enclose a check for the amount of $5,000 made payable to Protect Our Winters for your great work on The Apprentice,†Trump wrote in the Sept. 4, 2014, letter. In a handwritten postscript he wrote: “YOU ARE GREAT!â€
So, maybe he’s not so much of a Warmist, and not on his way to being one. The liberal media will attempt anything in order to make Trump look bad.

Trump’s position(s) on global warming is/are as consistent as his position(s) on other issues.
Trump is great and ahould definitely be the Republican nominee. We’re just surprised that the Dems haven’t attacked him, and that our liberal media haven’t investigated his record at all – it’s almost as if the Dems WANT him to be the nominee.
Yesterday on Morning Joe, when asked who his foreign policy advisors were, Trump replied “himself” adding that he has a “good brain”. The “journalists” on Morning Joe didn’t follow-up. Just another joejob from the clowns there. Jimmy Kimmel suggested that Trump will choose himself for VP.
Trump/Trump 2016!