This is not The Onion. These people are serious
(Daily Caller) Â Relatives of a teenager shot and killed while robbing a home in Miami are upset with the homeowner for defending herself.
Trevon Johnson, 17, spent the final moments of his life last Thursday trying to rob a woman’s house before she killed him during a confrontation, according to CBS Miami.
CBS Miami reports that the police seem to be siding with the homeowner during the investigation, but Johnson’s family attempted to justify his actions.
“You have to look at it from every child’s point of view that was raised in the hood. You have to understand, how he gonna get his money to have clothes to go to school? You have to look at it from his point of view,â€Â Johnson’s cousin Nautika Harris said.
She added, “I don’t care if she have her gun license or any of that. That is way beyond the law, way beyond. He was not supposed to die like this. He had a future ahead of him. Trevon had goals. He was a funny guy, very big on education, loved learning.â€

The legal question probably hinges on whether she felt threatened. The suspect was leaving the home when she arrived.
Nautika Harris said:
Not anymore.
But, had the homeowner not helped out society by ridding Miami of a thug, the future ahead of Trevon Johnson was more and more time spent in and out of jail. He’d have gone to jail for a year or two for something, gotten out, then got caught again and spend five years locked up, gotten out, did something stupid and gotten caught again. The only question is just how petty his crimes would have stayed, or would he have wound up killing somebody.
However, I am grinding my back teeth at the linked news story, which said:
Arrggghhhhh! You don’t ‘burglarize’ a house, you burgle a house!
You may want to read this.
In American English, the verb burgle, meaning to rob, is regarded as a humorous backformation from burglar, and burglarize is the preferred term in serious contexts.
And from Merriam Webster:
transitive verb
1 : to break into and steal from
2 : to commit burglary against
Strange, huh?
Florida law allows for the use of deadly force when threatened as you state. The article says there was a confrontation, so the “fear” from the 54 year old woman facing a younger male is understandable.
As for “leaving the house,” Florida has a pretty strict “castle doctrine.”
The law states that there is a presumption of fear and the allowed use of deadly force when:
It doesn’t matter whether the guy was coming or going. He had broken into the house, and therefor under the law was a threat.
This is so F-ing stupid.
Well Trevon got a big lesson on what not to do, dumbass.
“This is not the Onion”
Boy, it does get damn hard to tell the difference sometimes.
Mr Beaner wrote:
Is Trevon pronounced the same as Trayvon? Probably should be!
from the linked article:
Is “dana” pronounced the same as “David Duke”? Probably should be!
Frankly, I support the shooting of strangers you find in your house. Even white guys. They may not mean you any harm, but the risk is too great.
Hey “duke”, do you think any Black folks pay taxes that support your government teat-sucking?