It’s so sad!
Emails And Tweets Help Drive Climate Change
Even email and social network campaigns used to promote Earth Hour, the annual symbolic dimming of lights to fight global warming, are inevitably contributing to climate change.
In the 10th edition of the World Wild Fund for Nature (WWF), an NGO-backed event that raises awareness on climate change effects, the world’s landmark monuments and participating establishments will go dark at 8:30 p.m. their local time for a whole hour. Along with the activity comes the call to adjust lifestyles to slash people’s carbon footprints, including using bikes, carpooling and becoming “eco-responsible.â€
But there’s another largely unnoticed carbon pollutant in all this climate change discussion: people’s email and social network activity.
“Electricity consumption related to the growth of digital technologies is exploding,” warns Alain Anglade of the French Environment and Energy Management Agency in an AFP report.
How much does it account for?
The report breaks this down to several practical scenarios: five dozens of these 0.14-ounce emails per day from a smartphone or laptop are equivalent to driving an average-size car per kilometer or 0.6 miles. A 1-megabyte email attachment, too, is the same as low-wattage light bulb turned on for two hours.
It doesn’t seem like much, but, then we have to factor in the servers, routers, and computers. This is similar with tweets, and surely Facebook posts, Instagram, etc. And, it all adds up in a cumulative manner, which means that Warmists are causing global temperatures to spike, and could cause hundreds of millions of climate refugees by 2100, not too mention burying the coastal areas under 6 feet or more of sea rise, killing hundreds of millions of citizens of the world, make areas un-livable, and even cause the 6th Great Extinction. Why won’t members of the Cult of Climastrology give up their evil big carbon polluting ways and help us save the world?

Very few people (except you) are asking people to give up all carbon pollution
Just try and reduce remember Teach the USA his already reducing its carbon footprint
Thanks in part to your use of CFLs
Remember how upset you were when that happened? And your terror at possible Mercury poisoning
The article tells us that “5 dozens” of emails are equivalent to driving a car 0.6 mile. Aside from the bizarre construct “5 dozens” instead of 60, this comes out to each email or tweetering being equivalent to driving 53 feet. A text message is 1/10th as polluting – equivalent to driving your sedan about 5 feet. It would take 2400 emails or tweeterings a day to reach the typical 12 mile commute!
Note too that electricity derived from renewable sources has an even smaller carbon pollution footprint.
Someone in the linked article claimed emails, twits and texts make up 10% of electrical consumption, which may or may not be true.
Teach typed, without reading the article carefully:
Actually, the article explained that the calculations “factored” in the computers, servers, routers AND the carbon pollution associated with their manufacture. Probably a lazy oversight on Teach’s part; seeing what he hoped was written. You used the same words as the original author but just completely missed the point.
There is no evidence that liberal twitterings, even with their complete sentences and big words, cause more carbon pollution than conservative twits.
Teach: Why did you bother to post this?