The Star Ledger is one of the leading papers in New Jersey, and one of the primary sources for news and opinion at Obviously, they are vastly left leaning, and are very upset post-Brussels
Religious bigotry after Brussels: Still not ok.
After the horrifying attacks in Brussels, leading Republicans are rushing to advocate policies motivated by malice against Muslims and a hunger to appear tough. That’s both predictable and dangerous.
We have Ted Cruz calling for a resumption of NYPD spying on Muslim Americans, and Donald Trump talking about the need for religious tests and torture.
These ineffective, extremist solutions will only make matters worse. They will push us further in the direction of Europe, where anti-immigrant sentiment has helped terrorist recruitment to flourish.
Got that? They’re blaming the victims, who have had to put up with increases in crime, sexual assaults, demands for Islamic law to be practiced in Belgium and other EU nations, and terrorist attacks, and have been concerned over violent Muslims infiltrating the nations with all the “refugees.” The SLEB is blaming the citizens of the European countries for being concerned about the threat from radical Islam, rather than blaming those who practice and shelter radical Islam? This is known as “victim shaming.”
On Wednesday, [Trump] told Piers Morgan that there is “very little assimilation” of Muslims in European cities like Brussels. Their communities are “absolutely not reporting” suspected terrorists, he said, and need to “open up to society.”
All true. The heavily immigrant neighborhood in Brussels where the Paris attackers lay low has become a refuge for the Islamic State, made worse by a widespread distrust of law enforcement that has bred a code of silence. Think of our own inner cities, where gang members thrive because of a fear of police and snitching.
Again, blaming the victims, rather than the bad actors.
Look at the ugliness that erupted in Bridgewater and Basking Ridge, where Muslims who had lived in town for years, served on the school board or even as mayor simply tried to build a mosque where their families could worship and were rejected.
I’ve got one word for the SLEB: Rotterham. Look it up. That is what happens when misplaced Leftist diversity, multiculturalism, and tolerance go wrong.
Yes, we need to find better ways to deter terror attacks like the one in Brussels. But turning on people like them is not the solution.
It’s an interesting dynamic. Left wing rags like the Star Ledger are quick to blame all legal and responsible gun owners when there is a mass shooting (usually by someone not legally eligible to own a gun, and often by a left winger), yet, when there is a terrorist attack by someone proclaiming they are doing it in the name of Islam, well, we cannot even ask questions. We cannot say that this is being done in the name of Islam. And the victims and those concerned about the spread and threat from radical Islam must be blamed and shamed, rather than wonder what is going on with Islam, and how this can be stopped from within.
These same left wing sites are quick to complain about victim blaming and shaming on most other issues, but, they protect radical Islam. For which the Islamists thank them. They are Useful Idiots.

Our esteemed host quoted:
Given that many — not all — of the terrorist attacks have been suicide bombings, deterrence seems like the wrong concept. If someone is willing to die for his mission, he isn’t someone who can be deterred.
The solution to Islamist terrorism is cultural change: allowing Muslim immigrants to congregate in homogeneous ghettos, and to retain their old cultural identities, keeps them from assimilating into the larger culture, which is what is needed so that they will not want to blow up stuff.
This is the real problem with the cockamamie notion of “multi-culturalism.” No, not all cultures are equal, not all cultures are good or useful or productive, and anyone with any common sense at all — a definition which excludes leftists — can see that. We need to bring immigrants into the white Western culture which has led to economic prosperity and freedom; if immigrants — and not a few of our own native-born citizens — cannot adapt to Western civilization, they need to be kicked out.
Vastly left leaning. Lol
Teach your view is skewed
Most Americans would consider them mainstream
Remember most Americans are not rabid right wing extremists
You still say that is what you are
A right wing extremist
John focuses not on what they said but who they are. Surprise