Much like almost every Progressive policy. Those that don’t directly hurt the poor tend to keep the poor poor, all under the gentle authoritarian hand og Government
(Daily Caller) European global warming policies are hurting the continent’s poor, according to a Manhattan Institute study published Thursday.
Europe has tried to fight global warming with cap-and-trade schemes and lucrative financial support to green power since 2005. Though well-meaning, the continent’s environmental efforts have only made life harder for Europe’s poor.
“The European Union’s renewable-energy policies have had one very clear result: they’ve dramatically raised electricity prices,†Robert Bryce, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute who authored the study, told The Daily Caller News Foundation.
Between 2005, when Europe adopted these policies, and 2014, residential electricity rates on the continent increased by 63 percent according to the study. Over the same period, residential rates in the U.S. rose by 32 percent. Germany, Spain and the U.K, which intervened the most in their energy markets, saw their electricity bills rise the fastest, according to the study.
Not that Warmists care, they think they are Saving The Planet, so, Other People must suffer. Of course, the actual policies offered and enacted by the Cult Of Climastrology do not actually make a difference in the planetary temperature.

The residential electric costs in the poorest of the 28 European countries are less than those here in the USA
In the highest cost country Denmark their residential rate is about 3 times as high as ours.However about 60% of that cost is in taxes Denmark is able to get on average more than 40% of its electricity from wind
Wind is always going to be free, the price of fossil fuels ? Who knows?
Their actual cost without taxes is only slightly above ours and per capita costs without taxes are probably less than our own per capita cost because they use less.Their government mandates efficiency, Euro residential appliances are more energy efficient
It is not surprising that John gets his data wrong on the most expensive electricity in the world.
It is interesting that john says that Denmark pays more in taxes for the wind generated energy (which he falsely claims as being free) and yet wants the US to adopt that system. It should also be noted that when comparing quality of live, Denmark ranks below the US.
Funny how higher taxes and less freedom espoused by the far left always hurts people’s freedoms and pocketbooks.
Does carbon pollution hurt the poor?
It seems that being a left leaning liberal like you has hurt people’s ability to think.
If one wants to think like you do (or don’t) we should outlaw liberalism.
OOOOPZ caught you again there GC tsk tsk
I did not say that “wind energy is free” I said that WIND is free. Of course there is a cost for turbines and transmission.
Funny how GC can’t seem to help himself from misquoting to make a point.
As for quality of life??? well there are many ways to gauge that and it does change from year to year the most recent ones I could find had Denmark at #2 and the USA at #7 that was 2015
I am thinking that you were using that one from some years ago that was in that right wing Business Insider, Am I right? In that one USA was what #6 and Denmark #7 ?
well certainly outlawing free thoughts is ONE way to make your point.
in fact maybe the ONLY way
ooopz that is Denmark at 5 and USA at 7 It has been as high as #2
Have you ever been to Denmark GC? Nice place
I went there to see about buying an old wood trawler
ooopz that is Denmark at #2and USA at #12 It has been as high as #2
Have you ever been to Denmark GC? Nice place
I went there to see about buying an old wood trawler
Let’s see, THE Manhattan Institute. The one funded in part by the Koch Brothers, formerly funded by the tobacco industry. The one that is a right-wing think tank, associated with ALEC and the State Policy Network? That Manhattan Institute, founded by Ronald Reagan’s CIA director?
Nice try. Come back with something a bit more unbiased and more reliable.
The cost of renewables just keeps dropping
And GC isn’t it nice that both wind and solar generate their most power just when we need them in the daytime? Of course with fossil fuel power plants we must build them bigger than we need for use during the times we don’t use as much power
Coal was a great source of energy in the Victorian era, now, not so much
Coal plants have a useful life of 30-50 years, what do you think the cost of coal will be then ? Want to invest ? well maybe YOU might but large institutional investors have said wtf???
In the ranking that you used to place the USA ahead of Denmark, was the 31 spot held by Germany which has a very high cost of residential electricity (again because of taxes which help all citizens)?
And Teach that study you cited shows that our energy prices have been SKYROCKETING at about 2.5% per year under OBAMA how is tat possible with all his job killing EPA rules?
“Again because of taxes that help all citizens.” And hurt all citizens.
Quick, someone at the nervous hospital get the retard his meds, stat!
He’s becoming more delusional with each comment…
Ha! Always a good one for John.
You really can’t be that stupid john.
While in the ground, oil, coal, and nuclear materials are all free. It is the use of that energy that is the market value.
Which is why liberals want to outlaw thoughts that do not agree with theirs. Thanks for agreeing.
You do realize that Germany’s economy has tanked because of cost of energy prices,right?
If that is the case, then wind and solar should drop their governmental subsidies, right? Instead, they are calling for the same level and increasing subsidies.
And joihn, re the study that you cite on the costs of energy in the US, perhaps you missed this:
Are you for policies that double energy costs to everyone john? Don’t you know that will harm the poor more? Or are you such a callous person you only care about the poor when they can be used for your political interests instead of their interests?
Once again, you really have problems with reading and comprehension of the things you cite.
Oh, and by the way, there is no such thing as “renewable energy.” The term is just another lie invented by anti-science liberals.