What a remarkable bit of fiscal responsibility!
(Politico) Mayor Bill de Blasio said Monday he is instituting a ban on “non-essential travel” by New York City employees to the state of North Carolina following the passage of a law there that overturns anti-discrimination protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.
De Blasio said he would also order a similar ban on non-essential travel to Georgia if the state’s Legislature votes to override a veto by Gov. Nathan Deal of a bill seen by some as allowing discrimination against gay and lesbian people in Georgia.
“Yes, we’ve initiated a non-essential travel ban for North Carolina as of today, and in the event that the governor’s veto in Georgia is overridden, we will do so for Georgia as well,” de Blasio said Monday afternoon at an unrelated press conference.
“I think it’s quite clear that voices of conscience all over the country are expressing outrage at these decisions which are reinstituting discrimination against the LGBT community,” he said, adding, “My hope is that both these states will relent, but we certainly are not going to have any non-essential travel to those states if these laws do continue in effect.”
Once again, it’s utterly amazing what fires Progressives up. Not ISIS, not a crummy, low wage economy, nor a host of other serious issues. No, it’s bathrooms for people who are confused about their gender (often because Idiots have placed these ideas in their heads).
Of course, NYC actually has no law: their transgender bathrooms rule was put in place by executive fiat, and, as far as I can determine, has never been passed by the NYC government. And, it was put in place very recently. New York State apparently has no bathrooms law. Will de Blasio ban non-essential travel to the rest of New York? How about to the vast majority of cities and states? Why are city employees traveling on the public dime for “non-essential” trips in the first place?
Later Monday, Gov. Andrew Cuomo issued a statement saying he had signed an executive order banning non-essential state travel to North Carolina. “As long as there is a law in North Carolina that creates the grounds for discrimination against LGBT people, I am barring non-essential state travel to that state,” Cuomo said in the statement.
How about to the vast majority of cities and states in the country? Why are city and state employees traveling on the public dime for “non-essential” trips in the first place? Why has New York not made it the law that confused people can use the bathrooms, locker rooms, and showers of the biological opposite sex?
Meanwhile, Governor McCrory responded to the whining from leftists, explaining his decision to send out a “myths and facts” email
(WRAL) “I’ve got to do it, especially with your editorial pages, which are definitely misleading the public on many items. I’m proud of us protecting the privacy rights of individuals and not putting burdensome regulations on business and letting them make the decision, not government make the decision,” McCrory said when asked about the full-court blitz his administration deployed over the weekend.
In Liberal World, only some people get privacy rights. In this case, they’re pandering to a tiny, tiny number of people who are confused about their gender, wanting them to be able to use whatever bathroom they want, in violation of the privacy of people of the actual gender.
Once again, businesses are legally entitled to allow transgenders to use the bathroom of the sex they identify with. Nothing in the law stops that. It does stop Government from forcing businesses to allow confused gender identity people to use the other sex bathroom. Furthermore, if Liberals do not like this, they are welcome to stay out of our State, and those that are here are welcome to go back to the hell-holes they’ve created in the liberal states and cities they escaped from.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

You’re repeating your lies. Some folks can walk and chew gum at the same time.
Sure, right wing extremists (not nice Fascists) oppress those they dislike (they do it every time they’re in power), but they wish their oppression was kept quiet and done in dark, back rooms.
It’s clear the NC law is going down. Either the courts will make it happen, or McGory will have to find a face-saving way to walk it back.
Far right extremists always end up on the wrong side of history.
So, according to the left, those males who decide that they are really female ought to be able to use the women’s restrooms and showers.
OK, why should those males be the only ones so allowed? Why shouldn’t guys who just can’t help themselves, why can’t males who just want to either expose themselves to women — and underaged girls — or want to see women or underaged girls in the bathroom be able to do so? What difference, at this point, does it make?
Let’s say that the left get their way, which, the courts being as stupid as they are, the left probably will. How will they propose the state enforce any legal distinctions between people who really are ‘transgender,’ and people who just want to perv? Will the ‘transgendered’ need state-issued identifications, or perhaps a special mark on their driver’s licenses, to use the women’s restrooms and showers legally, so that we can stop the pervs, or will law enforcement just have to take the word of any guy in there who defends himself by saying, “Hey, I’m really a girl”? That, after all, would be their stay out of jail card, and if a perv had a choice between making that claim or going to jail, he might well pick making that claim.
Good questions Dana but the left doesn’t care about the answers. All they want to do is destroy the country. The fact they’re so invested in this stupid stupid issue says all you need to know about them.
Via Robert
StaceyStacy McCain:I s’pose that the assailant, presumably a homosexual, given the location of the attack, somehow didn’t think that a “transgender woman” was actually a woman.
I got exactly the response I expected from the left to my question as to how the state would enforce allowing only ‘transgendered’ people into the opposite sex restrooms: crickets.
They’ve got nothing.
Of course they have nothing. As long as left gets some warm, fuzzy feeling that they are somehow helping the so-called ‘oppressed’ they are fine with any ‘unintended’ consequences.